Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

So it's finally the day of the camping trip or cabin trip. Whatever you want to call it, and I'm so stoked! I don't think I have to worry about Wesley anymore. What he said to me was very intriguing. I just can't tell his dad where he is or anything. Not even that he is only living with his ex-wife that doesn't even care for Luna and him. She got married to such a rich guy that they shower Wesley and Luna with money and they think that's all a kid needs. Wesley had no where to go and didn't want to live with his dad.

So finally, with no adult supervision, came to live with his mom.

And yes, he knew his father only lived a few houses across. Thats the reason he did it.

We are both not thrilled about being step brother and step sister but it's gonna have to work out.

I can't tell Luna.

No one.

I sat in my house waiting for a knock on the door. Luna was supposed to be here any minute and I had no time to spare. Finally, a knock was heard.

I grabbed my suitcase and walked towards the door.

"I'm so excit-... Wesley?" I looked past him to see if anyone was with him.

"Hey I just wanted to say that...I'm sorry. I know you might be worried about the trip but I promise I won't do anything."

"Wesley it's dangerous for you to be here! Your father could show up at any second!...but thanks..." I smiled.

"I know, come on..." he grabbed my hand and we began walking towards Luna's.

We got inside and he ran off as Luna came down the stairs.

"You're here! I'm so excited!!" she hugged me. "Wesley's stupid friends are running late. 5 more minutes Wes!"

He didn't respond.

"If he thinks we are waiting all day for them then-" the doorbell rang and he ran to open it.

"Sup," they did a handshake and carried one bag on each of their shoulders.

Luna rolled her eyes as they winked at her.

"Who's this?" One with blonde hair asked.

"Layla, my friend, and thats all you need to know," she replied.

"Damn, chill," Wesley laughed and they all went outside to the van.

"Just ignore them and me and you will have a blast," she grabbed her stuff and we got in the car too.

Wesley drove. I sat in the back with Luna. In the Way back, Was James and Scott. James was the rude one so far from what I could tell.

"How old are you?" questioned Scott.

"16, I'm gonna be a senior next year though."

"What you like, skipped a grade or something?" James said.

"No, I started early."

"Oh nice," Scott nicely commented.

It was so silent in the car.

"You know what? We are staying in a cabin with eachother for a week and a half and I think we need to get to know each other way better, Shayla you play any instruments?" Wesley looked in the driver mirror.

"Um no, I try but-" I began but got interrupted by James.

"I play the guitar! I brung it, want me to play it?"

No one said anything but let out sighs.

"I'll take that as a yes," he reached in the back and pulled it out. It was a black acoustic and was really nice.

"You guys I'm gonna play the one that most people know, "The A-Team" by Ed Sheeran."

I gave a fake smile and remained facing forward. To my surprise he was actually really good. Then, to another surprise, Wesley took it over and began singing the song. His voice was amazing. I couldn't believe a guy like him would even have a voice like that.

When the song was done, James laughed.

"Told ya I could play," he tapped on my shoulder.

"Didn't say you couldn't," I replied. Wesley gave a nasty look in the mirror and turned around.

"You both on your periods or something, damn?"

I just rolled my eyes not knowing what to say to him.

We were by large fields now and you probably couldn't see actual road for a while down. I got a little scared. What if something were to happen and we are in the middle of no where? I don't think our phones have wifi out here.

Then right when I said that inside my head, the car started going slower and then a complete stop.

"What happened?" I questioned.

"I don't know, one second guys," Wesley got out and checked the engine or anything that would look wrong or broke but it seemed fine when he gave us a thumbs up.

next, he checked the gas but he had a full tank. Lastly I, myself, had noticed that the car was leaning slightly and it wasn't because anyone was fat in the car.

"I think it's the wheels, something is wrong with one of them," I rolled down my window and told Wes to check. Soon enough, he checked each tire.

"Oh no. The front left tire...there is small hole in it, how did that happen?" Wesley sighed and stood up. I got out of the car and took a look at it.

"Do you have a spare?" I asked.


I widely opened my eyes and now was very terrified but some how kept my cool.

"Well if we can find something to plug it with, maybe we can last till the nearest gas station? It might be like 5 -10 miles ahead but we can try-" I said staring at it.

"I don't need your help."

"Wesley I was just suggesting it."

"Well I can do this myself, I'm a man, you are a girl, enough said," he responded.

"Um. K but let me know what you come up with. mkay?" I turned around sassy and got back into the car. Why was he being so rude? Maybe I still should be worried at the cabin.

"That actually was...a really good idea," Scott smiled at me.

"Thanks," I watched outside to see Wesley struggle. It was really hot and he was sweating like crazy.

"We are going to burn alive in here! Turn the air on in the car!" Luna shouted.

Wesley gave an angry look into the car.

"Shutup! Do you want to pay for fuel? I don't think so!" he took his shirt off and threw it aside.

"O my gosh I'm so done." I reached in the back and found a cap of some sort. The perfect size for the hole in the tire. I opened the door, went to the tire and shoved it in.

"You're not doing that." Wesley went to go grab it and I ended up grabbing his wrist.

"Don't. Touch it." I gritted my teeth together and looked him into his eyes. Then, I threw his arm aside.

He backed up and got back into the car, starting it, and turning the air on.

"Thats more like it." Luna excitedly. whispered into my ear.

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