Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I was so excited to plan the wedding. It was something to get my mind off of a step dad. I didn't really have to worry about any other children though. I'm alone half the time at my house and Wesley know, Wesley.

I decided to go back in my room and lay on my bed. Should I text him? Should I really text Wesley?

I fiddled with my fingers, then, grabbed the piece of paper out of the drawer. I texted the number and waited for a reply.

"Finally;)" he sent back to me.

"...yeah sorry:("

"It's all right;) To make up for it...we should go get some ice cream tomorrow." Wesley wrote.

"Ice cream? What about Luna?"

"She is going to her grandmas, we can get to know each other better;) hopefully you're not too lame, jk babe"

"-_- I forgot she told me that...okay, tomorrow it is:) I'm excited," I replied.

"Me too."

"What time?" I asked.

"Just come over when you feel like it. I'll be here;)" Wesley texted.

"Really? Okay. It will probably be like 3 or 4."

"All right cutie;) see you then"


I smiled putting my phone on the stand next to me.

But should I really go behind my closest friends back?


It was the next day, 1 o' clock, and I was trying to think of something to tell my mom. I'll just say...I'm going to fill out a job application and one of Luna's family knows a good place and wanted to take me. All right, thats good. I went in the family room and told her. She just smiled and was happy I was looking for a job. Sadly, I wasn't actually doing that.

I ran back upstairs and put on some really nice clothes. I put on some high waisted white jeans, and a blue crop top. I curled my hair but to a point where it looks like I didn't try too hard. Eye liner, mascara, and by the time I was done, it was 3:00pm. I slipped out of the front door while my mom was in her room. I told her I was leaving but yelled it through the crack. I then, walked over to Luna's house. There was a different car in the driveway, I think someone was over.

I knocked on the door.

Wesley opened it but some guy who was smoking and looked really rough, walked out.

"All right, see you man," he grinned at me up and down then went into the truck that I had just seen.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it," he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

The smell of smoke filled my nose and I began coughing.

"You okay?" Wesley sat down on the kitchen stool.

"Yeah just a little cough, my mom, she stopped smoking years ago because it gave me asthma. I don't think it's that bad anymore though," I sat down next to him.

"Sorry:( You look beautiful by the way," he faced me and didn't let go of my hand.

"Thanks," I said blushing.

Wesley got me out of the chair and put me on his lap facing him. I leaned my forehead against his and looked into his eyes as he looked into mine. Wesley's hands were in the pockets of my jeans. I smiled as he did his wicked smile. I bit my lip then kissed him softly. He kissed me back and continued smiling. Shutting my eyes, my heart fluttered and was beating quickly.

Then he stopped and pushed the hair behind my ear.

"You're so gorgeous," he said in a raspy voice.

"And you...are so bad," I laughed and got off his lap, this time, I grabbed his hand and went to the door.

"We can finish this after ice cream," I winked. Wesley grabbed his keys and we got into the car. It smelled like tobacco and the smell of alcohol lingered in the air. It wasn't the cleanest car in the world.

"Sorry about the mess, I didn't really have time to clean it up."

"It's fine," It really wasn't. I have OCD about some things and this was one of them. I wanted to jump back there and just clean and throw away everything. It smelled terrible and killed the mood. When we got out, I took a deep breath and let fresh air in.

Wesley entangled our hands and we walked to the ice cream stand.

"What do you want Lay?" Wes asked.

"Um, just vanilla is fine," I replied.

"One vanilla cone, and one chocolate," he ordered. It was only $4.00.

We sat down on the wooden table. It was awkward licking ice cream in front of him so I grabbed a spoon and did it that way.

"Seriously?" he laughed.

"Yep," I said back.

Wesley let his hand rest and rubbed my leg. I was a little worried because I knew what that was a sign of. I placed my hand over his and just grinned slightly at him. When he finished his ice cream, he told me he would be right back and disappeared for 5 minutes. When he came back, he smelled like smoke and I know what he did.

"Did you just smoke?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

I rolled my eyes.

"When did you start...?"

"When I was about 14 and everything was going bad. It was a way for me to be more grown up and mature because I knew my dad didn't think of me that way. He never has. It just distracted me from all the things going wrong in my family."

I looked down.

"Layla it's fine, I'm happy now," Wesley grabbed my hand again and stood up. We faced each other.

"Because of me?" I smiled just joking.

"Because of you," he kissed my forehead. It really was? I don't believe him. We started walking towards the car.

"But don't you want to stop?" I questioned.

"No actually..."

I frowned as we got in the car.

"Don't worry're my distraction now."

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