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He wondered if Steve knew.

Did Steve know?

That was something that Tony often pondered about. Something he thought about. It daunted his aching and hurt mind more and more as the time passed.

Steve was once his idol. The man that the Tony's world revolved around as a child. His father had talked so highly about the man. The super soldier was a saint in the eyes of Howard Stark and therefore a saint in the eyes of young Tony Stark. He of course later grew out of that worship, but still held onto a few remaining pieces.

Steve was also once his best friend. It went full circle after they met and of course the endearing captain was back to being Tony's idol again. How could he not love the guy? He had respect for everyone around him and was awfully courageous. Almost too much to where it made Tony sick.

It sounds almost like Tony had a pretty crush when they first became 'friends' and even though he would deny it if you asked, Steve was most definitely a crush.

That all changed when Steve showed some of his true colors and his dislike for the billionaire.

Yeah, let's just say that crush got dropped pretty earlier into their friendship.

Tony also found it horribly disappointing to grow up learning about someone and find out their totally different from what you expected.

He grew up with worshipping the ground that Steve walked on, but now it's like he gets a kick in the face for getting in the man's way.

It's safe to say his first childhood crush is no more.

Well, that's not true. Steve wasn't his first crush. But let's not get into that.

Let's just say that when he was an acne ridden teenager he had different interests than most his age. Instead of obsessing over Tom Cruise in Top Gun, he was looking in history books and ogling at Bucky Barnes' perfect jawline.

But that was all in the much distant passed.

Bucky Barnes is now a confused and brainwashed ex-assassin that doesn't want anything to do with Tony Stark.

The guy who blasted his fucking arm off.

Who the hell would want to near the guy who blew your arm off? Certainly not sane people that's for sure.


Steve turned to Tony who was in his suit. Stuck inside the metal tin can sans the arc reactor.

"We gotta go, Buck." Steve murmured, now facing towards the cold and unforgiving snow outside the bunker.

Tony couldn't see much
His vision was blurry and his head was pounding, but he heard a hand grasp firmly onto something. Presumably Steve grabbing James' arm or shoulder.

"Let's go."

"W-what? I don-" Bucky sounded confused and bombarded with emotions and thoughts.

"I'll explain everything when we get somewhere safe. Just trust me."

There was a silence that felt painstakingly long to Tony.

All he heard afterwards was the shuffling of feet and quiet whispers. Getting quieter every second.

Of course they had left him. What did the man expect? He had attacked them.

Of course they had left.

There was a long beep inside the metal box he was trapped in. Almost like the sound of an amber alert.

"Emergency notification delivered."

Friday's voice sounded like a faulty robot's.

There was a static noise before a loud click and darkness.


He woke in a hospital a week later. He didn't care about who found him or that Pepper was there when he woke up.

He didn't care about how he was in a medically induced coma for the duration of his stay.

He cared about the trauma from the blows of Steve's shield against his ribs.

The metal fist hailing down on him, courtesy of James Buchanan Barnes.

He cared about his friends.

Who he failed.


I know these chapters are really short, but I really like the flow and ominous feel of them. I'm always happy to receive feedback, so feel free to say what you do or don't like or maybe what you'd like in the future.

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