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Getting around the house was harder than Tony had anticipated.

Sure, he could see where the floor was, but he had a hard time figuring out if there was something on the floor. If there was a small object on the floor in front of him, he would most definitely have tripped on it.

If you tossed a damn beach ball, he might even manage trip over that.

It was ridiculous. Tony felt unable to do anything now that he couldn't even walk around in the comfort of his own home.

Pepper had attempted to convince him to use a walking stick.

The man had replied with a not so polite decline going some what along the lines of "fuck off."

That then led to Pepper with a red face and barely unshed tears as she hurriedly left with her stiletto heels clicking loudly against the hard floor.

He felt guilty, but what did Pepper expect? He was on his way to becoming blind. He would try his damn hardest to try and live in the world of the seeing for as long as he could.

He did try to apologize, though. His head and all it's trauma sadly did not agree. Typical. He messes shit up and whenever he tries to fix it, something bites him in the ass.

He flopped back down on the couch, assuming that Pepper wouldn't be gone for too long. She wouldn't leave a nearly blind -and possibly suicidal- man for much more than a half an hour, maybe less.

Come on, it's Pepper he was talking about. She wouldn't even intentionally try to hurt a fly.

Tony waited fifteen whole minutes, before Friday notified him that Pepper would enter through the elevator doors in a few moments.

Undoubtedly, she brought something with her. Maybe something for reconciliation. Who was he kidding, it was probably a parting gift.

Pepper won't keep up with his bullshit much longer. Get your head in the game, Stark. Be the perfect man.

Be the perfect friend or she'll leave you. She already ended your relationship before this ever happened. Goes to show how much people enjoyed his company.

If he had no vision, he wasn't the perfect anything.

He didn't blame Pepper.


I know this one is really really short, but I really like the way I ended it.

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