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Bucky was eerily silent as he climbed out of bed. His tired eyes looked to his bedside clock which he was debating to throw against the wall read 7:18 am. He had tried to get to sleep at a mere 6:24 am after hours of lying in bed wide awake. He glared at it, his hand balled up into a fist as he swiftly walked across the room, opening his door, and silently yet angrily walking into the kitchen.

Sleep was something he got little of though it had gotten better over the course of his stay. He had a psychiatrist he went to every Monday and Thurday though he despised it, it seemed to help with his sleep among other problems if he was being honest.

The soldier heard soft voices as he walked down the hallway, leaning his back against wall, he peered ever so slightly across the corner. He assumed they wouldn't get too upset. He had been an assassin for some 60 odd years, that was a good enough excuse.

"I feel guilty, Vis. Maybe I should tell him." It was Wanda. She and Vision had rekindled their—whatever they were and seemed to talk often. There was a small clatter of silverware so he assumed they were eating or preparing food.

"Wanda, though I can't fully fathom the human mind and behavior, I believe that he may act out. He may hurt you."

"I don't care if he acts out, he deserves to knos what I did to him." There was a pause. "Vision, I hurt him." Emotion was evident in her voice while James furrowed his eyebrows. What was she talking about?

"I was used to help keep his memories repressed. Those—fucking nazis forced me to do it yes, but I was still the one to mess with his head."

James' body felt as if it were frozen in time, his hands being the only part moving. Well, shaking and quite violently at that. How could she not have told him? How could she have not told anyone on the team? Wait, but Vision seemed to know. How many people knew about this?

He wasn't angry at her for what she did to him. Hell, he'd done his fair share of fucked up things but the fact that no one told him? That was what hurt him.

"Bring the witch in."

"The asset is reacting voilently."

"Condition unstable."

"Shut it down!"

His breath caught in his throat before he turned on his heel, colliding chest to chest right into Tony Stark. How did he not notice him walking down the hallway? The billionaire was holding his tablet so he must have been as distracted as the ex-assassin was.

"Woah, you good James?"

Bucky could tell how stupidly spooked he must have looked based on the fact that Tony didn't address him with one of his endearing nicknames.

"Uh, yeah... I—do you know where Steve is?" The ex-assassin's face must have betrayed his emotions well, disoriented confusion. He felt betrayed. He didn't want Tony to be around him to see that. To see how he may or may not react. Emotions like these were very conflicting for him. He knew he wouldn't do entirely irrational things though he knew yelling and extremely malicious insults were outcomes of his anger among other things.

Tony had a worried look on his face but pointed up at the ceiling in answer.

"Captain Rogers is in his room, Sergeant Barnes." FRIDAY spoke up kindly.

Bucky didn't think he could manage to say anything more so he concluded not to. He merely nodded stiffly and walked past an ever so concerned Tony.

"Can I talk to you?" He quickly shot out once Steve opened the door.

"Yeah, come in Buck." Steve allowed, closing the door softly after the other had entered.

Bucky's eyes caught onto an open sketchbook on the armchair so he assumed that's what the other super soldier was doing before the interruption. He decidedly turned to face Steve who was openly sitting on the edge of his bed with a creased brow. He reluctantly sat next to him.

"Look, I—" He forced himself to take a breath while Steve waited patiently.

"I overheard Wanda talking about something. Something about me." Bucky's eyes were on his own knee, hand picking at a small piece of lint before he looked up and into his friend's eyes.

Steve's eyes widened ever so slightly before he lightly winced. It was seen as something completely ordinary but a large tell for someone who was evidently looking for it. Or of course a master assassin.

James let out an exasperated laugh. It was more a sigh than anything.

"You knew?" He was asking more out of courtesy than anything. The righteous captain more or less proved that he knew, his face betraying him right from the beginning.

History seems to repeat itself, Tony having gone through a betrayal very similair to this.

"Buck, let me—"

"Don't fucking say that. Don't lie to me. Did you know?"

"Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?"


"Yes! Okay, Buck? Yes." Steve exhaled, running a hand through his hair.

"I wanted Wanda to have a clean slate. You would have held a grudge against her if I had told you."

That tipped him over the edge.

"You didn't think I deserved to know, болван? Huh?" The look Steve gave the ex-assassin for slipping into Russian was unreadable though it made James even more furious. He stood up, his right hand curled into a fist while Steve stayed seated.

"Yeah, of course the God almighty Steve Rogers doesn't find anything wrong with the shit he pulls."

"Stop. You're not thinking straight, Bucky. I didn't know if you were going to attack her or worse."

"Worse? You're still convinced I'm going to kill you in your sleep? Oh okay, now I get it." Steve's expression grew from unreadable to a kicked puppy. The captain reached his hand out to grab his friend's wrist, opening his mouth to say something before James pulled his hand away with a hateful glare.

"Don't touch me. Like you said, I might snap into the soldier and break your wrist." He said lowly with an evident venomous tone. Steve reeled back at that as if the statement physically burned him.

"Buck, don't say that." Steve stood and stepped closer to the ex-assassin.

"I think I'm going to go talk to Tony. He probably doesn't expect me to 'attack him or worse.'" James mocked, turning to leave and opening the door.

"Please, stay." Steve objected and then spoke in a much lower tone. "He's not your best friend, I am."

Bucky guessed it wasn't intended for him to hear, it being resentful whisper. Steve must have forgotten that he wasn't the only one with advanced hearing.

"He's not my best friend," Yet, He thought to himself. "and this proves that you aren't either."

He didn't turn around to look at Steve's reaction while he left the room.


I loved writing this so much! I hoped you guys liked it. I'm making Steeb such a jerk and I love it.

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