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"I want to cut my hair."

"I don't think you have the right certification for that, princess."

Bucky responded with his middle finger and a rather terrifying glare.

Tony dropped his bagel on the counter, pointing an index finger at the assassin incredulously. He pondered out loud in mock thought.
"Where'd he learn that? Next thing you know, he'll be cursing at me. Seniors these days."

The billionaire walked around the counter, placing his hands on Bucky's shoulders.
"Have you developed dementia? You know damn well just my wit alone could put you in a wheelchair, old man."

Tony turned to go to the dining table, patting James' thigh, feeling something foreign, before freezing up.

"What the hell is that?"

"A knife."

"Should I have even asked?" Tony huffed, crossing his arms over his torso.

"If you touch my chest, you'll find one there too."


"No." Bucky of all people smirked.

It was one of the most devious smirks Tony had layed eyes upon. To him personally, it hadn't met the infamous Stark smirk, but it was a close second.

"You sly, sly, dog." Tony grinned in pure amusement.

It had only been two days of their— whatever it was. There hadn't been any contact that touched what they had done prior. They only had a small amount of alone time at that moment due to their busy work schedules.

Which meant they made due with lingering touches and heart eyes whenever people weren't looking.

Tony wasn't sure what they were, but he'd hope that James didn't get bored of it. The assassin said he loved him in a way (he thinks?). Tony supposed it wasn't an outright confession but it seemed to be a third of one, possibly.

The billionaire was snapped out of his worrying thoughts by Julien leaning up against his legs. He mentally shook his head, before sneaking a piece of toast off Bucky's plate.

This had been the first time in these last two days that they had any lasting semblance of alone time. Most of the Avengers were out on missions, there only being Wanda, Sam, Natasha, and Clint left at the compound. The Rouge Avengers were more or less given complete range in the field, which gladly meant that Tony would see them less often.

The two were pushing it by spending time in the communal kitchen of all places. Therefore, they had to keep all touching to a minimum, seeing as anyone could walk in on them.

"I can book you an appointment with my stylist." Tony sat on the stool next to James, his elbow leaning on the counter as his other hand was busy scratching Julien.

"I was thinking a cut and perm? Maybe go Kurt Cobain blond?" Tony mused.

"I want to cut it all off."


"What?" Bucky absently stared down at his toast.

"Nothing. I just thought you liked it long."

James finally looked up to narrow his eyes at Tony, analyzing them with a cold stare.

"Do you like it long?"

"I mean, it has it's perks but I'd still like you even if you had a perm." Tony shrugged his shoulder, fiddling with his sunglasses on the counter.

"Is that your way of saying I should get a perm?"

"Please do. You need to look like Howard Stern."

"I don't know who that is."

"We'll put him on the list, but not at the top. He isn't too vital to your 21st century experience."

James' body stiffened minutely. It was small enough that only someone who specialized in paying attention, would notice. Tony, not having any semblance of training regarding this, did not.

The assassin placed his hand on Tony's, which held his sunglasses. He squeezed lightly, before letting go. The billionaire took a moment but understood, swiftly putting his aviators on before Natasha and Wanda had a chance to walk into the room.

Nat only gave a nod with a minuscule smile as she made her may towards the fridge while Wanda merely sat down at the dining table silently. They seemed rather smart greetings seeing as Tony already looked pissed off at the interruption.


Natasha didn't stiffen, which James found intriguing.


She smiled before grabbing the strawberries and turning to sit with Wanda. James found that rather interesting, as well.

Bucky turned to look at Tony. If he was listening in, he didn't show it. The billionaire had one wireless earbud in while he hummed lightly to whatever his Stark phone was displaying.

Even if Tony tried to start up their conversation again, James wasn't sure if he would be able to keep up. Natasha plagued his mind in that instance.

Was she on edge, knowing that remembered hr Black Widow program, even if it was vaguely? Maybe she didn't want a reprise of what happened at dinner a few nights ago.

That sounded about right, actually.

Once Sam and Clint arrived, Bucky's mental alarm bells went off, saying it was time to go.
By habit, he eyed all the exits to ensure none of them were crowded.

Tony didn't notice anything at odds, his full attention given to the second sassiest person Bucky has ever met. He also happened to be his second favorite person.

"No, man. My wing suit doesn't need a damn upgrade! You've completed it to perfection, besides I could beat anyone's ass even on wooden wings."

The ever generous Tony Stark insisted to which the very selfless Sam Wilson politely declined, hiding it behind another joke.

The Winter Soldier chose to excuse himself after Clint yelling about strawberries was too much for his heightened senses.

Black Widow chose to slip after him.

if you guys have any ideas that you want to be added into the book, please tell me!!
the writer's block is strong!
i need some ideas!!
help me get out of this slump!!!!!

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