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Well, it's a been a whole minute since my last update. I was honestly thinking of scrapping this book but ya'll seem to surprisingly like it. I forgot how much I like writing so I'll definitely keep it up with this book. I gotta few ideas on how I'll make this turn out.

A yelp of shock echoes through the billionaire's lab which was followed by a string of curse words.

"Ow, ow!" He blowed lightly on his hand. "Okay, that's enough out of you." Tony let go of his throbbing hand to point at Dum-U with a stern look. The machine made a trilling sound before going to the other side of the room.

"Laughing at my pain. I can't believe you." Stark mumbled loudly to himself before looking at his hand again. This was just a friendly reminder that he shouldn't be handling a blowtorch without proper protection.

He may have also burned himself due to the fact that he was losing his vision though that wasn't something he wanted to admit.

He muttered incoherent words to himself along with a mean glare at the nasty burn on the back of his left hand.

He decidedly sat at his desk, going over an upgrade he had in mind for Peter. If he swapped a part in the web blasters the sufficiency of the webs along with their distances would increase pretty drastically. He wasn't sure why he hadn't thought of it before.

Bucky walked into the lab with his now signature walk and clothing. Bucky's now signature cuddle buddy Julien was with as well, at his heels bounding towards Tony. The billionaire realized that Bucky walked like a shy puppy, with timid slow steps and his now predictable hoodie and sweatpants.

"Hey there, Mr. Robot."

Bucky stood behind Tony's chair as he looked at the new web shooter part with a confused and narrowed gaze. Tony wasn't paying attention to his work now and smiling at his Mr. Robot reference. That was another thing about Bucky, he didn't understand Tony's pop culture references though he never found them offensive or annoying.

"What is that?" Bucky pointed at the hologram. Tony could practically hear the curiosity radiating from his voice though the ex-assassin's shy form didn't give it away.

Tony and Bucky had now spent atleast an hour together every day. It had started with building him a new arm though now Bucky comes down just to visit. The arm's nearly done though Tony just has to perfect the nerve connections and sensibilities.

"This is a new web shooter for Peter."

Tony accidentally let that slip about a week ago. He beats himself up for it though he's quite sure Bucky wouldn't tell anyone Spiderman's identity.

Bucky gave a small hum as his eyes danced across the hologram, looking over the part with furrowed eyebrows. Tony pushed his swivel chair to the right a bit, allowing Bucky to pull up a chair. Julien swiftly lied down at Tony's feet before Bucky sat down in a twinning chair next to Tony.

They were together in the familiar territory of the lab. Bucky watching Tony work as Julien curled up at Tony's feet. It was fairly quiet besides the whirres and trills of Stark's creations.

"Hey, Tony?" Bucky timidly asked after about 15 minutes of the comforting silence.

"Hey, James." Tony lightheartedly joked while he kept his eyes on the hologram.

That was another thing the two shared. Tony had taken a liking to calling him James rather than Bucky. "A total badass and ex-assassin shouldn't be called Bucky." Is what the engineer had said. Tony didn't beat around the bush when addressing his assassin past and James liked that.

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