What is Love?

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Soomin POV

"....Baby stop hitting me."

  I froze. Did he just...call me baby?
It wasn't till now that I noticed the position we were in. I was sitting on top of his abdomen and he was looking dead in my eyes. Almost like he was searching for something.

  "Minnie?" "Yeah?" "What is love?" I was taken back by what he said. I'm guessing he was only asking because everyone on the house knew I followed the Amby's Philosophy of Love, I should explain that to him.

"Love is when you want to wake up to one face the rest of your life. When thinking about this person you smile subconsciously. You care about their well-being and they care for yours. You trust them fully, you respect them. And you would do anything to make them smile." I spoke softly to him.

  "Is that the philosophy?" "Yes, it's what Amby believed. And I believe it." He just stared in my eyes, and I stared back. I never realized how beautiful his eyes were, I could get lost in them, and I certainly was. His eyes brought me to a place far from earth, a place for only us. Where we could sit in meadows and stare at the stars.

  There is no doubt that I love SiCheng, But was it a romantic love? I spent time with Chenle and Johnny, and they act like how SiCheng acts towards me. As if they wanted something more. Million dollar question was, did I want more? If so with who?


WinWin POV

  I could get lost her those eyes of her. She has the most beautiful face I've ever seen. There is no doubt that I'm hopelessly in love with Soomin. But does she love me back? Will she love me back? Will she love me for who and what I am? Gosh why do I have to do what I do?


Jaehyun POV

  I was laying on the gym floor trying to catch my breath. Gosh that workout was the death of me. "Jaehyun you alright?" I looked over to see Johnny looking down at me, clearly worried about me. "Yeah Hyung, I'm fine just tired. That workout was a lot." I managed to say in one breath. Johnny chuckled and said we were heading home. Thank God!

  Everyone retreated to the cars and got in. Since WinWin wasn't here we had some space in our car; we took the opportunity to spread our legs out to the best of our abilities. I started to wonder what WinWin was doing with Soomin. I swear those two have a thing and I lowkey ship but I highkey ship Johnny and Soomin.

  Not only because me and Johnny are practically best friends but because he is so kind and gentle with her. He really does care for her but I see the same with WinWin; but WinWin seems to have something more in his eyes whenever he looks at Soomin. I see real love and affection. With Johnny I see some harmless flirting but not that same full look of deep love in his eyes.

  All I know is that if one of them dates her, I will fight either of them if they hurt her. She's too innocent to have her heart broken. She's too innocent for anything.


Johnny POV

  We arrived home and we all slumped into the house. I looked around and Saw that neither Soomin or WinWin were here, wonder where they are? I walked in my room and saw a note on my desk.

   Johnny Oppa, SiCheng Oppa and I are going out! Miss May said she won't be their today, so heat up ramen. - Soomin

  Oh this girl cares about us so much. Makes my heart melt, I won't deny that Soomin has a very big place in my heart. I would date her, but she's only 17 and I'm 24. That would be a terrible idea so the moments that I have with her mean and do a lot for me. Now to heat that ramen.

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