Back to school

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Soomin POV

  I smashed my alarm clock for ruining my peaceful dreams. Now time for reality. Reality equaling school. "Ughhhhh." I huffed out, "At least I'll see SiCheng." I smiled at that and turned to the empty spot on my bed. I had to return to my house since school was starting up again today. I missed waking up in his arms though.

  I pushed up off the bed and headed to my bathroom to take a quick shower then prepare for my return to prison oh I mean school. After I was done getting dressed and ready to head outside my phone buzzed.

Jung🍪: Hey lil min, can't wait to see you on my first day.

  I laughed at his nickname for me and quickly texted him a reply.

Soomin: Lil min?? Lol cute, and can't wait to see you too Jungkook!

  I received a text from SiCheng saying he was waiting outside with the boys for me. I ran down the stairs to meet them. As soon as I saw all of them my eyes brightened, I hate being apart from the boys. "BOYYYYSS!" "SOOMIN!" Name a friend group who has a stronger relationship. I'll wait.

"You got everything?" Taeyong said whole checking through my bag. "Yah! Yes I have everything eomma!" "I'm not a mom why do you children call me that?" "Hyung, look in the mirror." Mark joked but got a hit upside the head as a reply. I giggled, "Come on guys we're going to be late if we don't get a move on." "Alright lets go!" Johnny said while wrapping an arm around me.

"Watch it stick bug." SiCheng warned while lightly grabbing my chin and placing a kiss to me cheek. "Ew can you two like not do this here!" Jisung whined like a baby. "Okay okay! SiCheng I'll be fine, see you at school." I pushed him towards his and the other boys car. He was pouting the whole time. Ugh, crybaby.


Jungkook POV

I stood by a tree near the front gate to meet Soomin and her lost puppies. I really didn't want to kidnap her, but her mutts wouldn't be good dogs and decided to mess with the wrong gang. Such pity really, little boys wanting to play big boss.

"Hey Jungkook oppa!" I heard snaps in front of me and looked up to see the annoyed looks of NCT in front of me. WinWin looked like he was ready to kill me. I smirked, while looking down to see Soomin's small figure. "Jesus! I know I'm small but I'm not invisible you Pablo." She huffed while pouting. Oh my god! Why is she making me soft, I have an agenda!

"I'm sorry lil min but I was daydreaming." I said while pulling her into a hug being as careful as possible to not break her. Not only would all of NCT kill me for hurting her, but Namjoon hyung will have my head if I hurt her before kidnapping her.

  She pulled back from the hug and grabbed my arm, "Well come on I want to give you you're tour of the campus. I'll see you boys later." And with that she pulled me into the school I could care less about.


WinWin POV

  "Hyung, please calm down or your going to hurt yourself!" Lucas said while trying to stop me from punching my gym locker again. "Calm down?! CALM DOWN! THE FREAKING LOVE OF MY LIFE IS CURRENTLY GIVING A TOUR AND BABYING OUR FREAKING ENEMY AND YOU WANT ME TO BE CALM?!" "Uhhhhh....yes." "I swear Lucas-ah I wonder about you." I sighed as I sat down.

  "There's just so much going through my head. I know BTS is planning something and they need Soomin for it, but how can I protect her without telling her what we really do?" "Maybe we should just tell her Hyung. I mean we've kept this from her for so long but now her safety is at risk." Lucas has many points but how will she react to them.

"God, why did it have to be her targeted out of all people."


Soomin POV

  "Okay well your seventh period class is going to be upstairs around the 600 classroom block. I'm sure you can ask around if you get lost, and also be nice to your teacher. I heard from Taeyong oppa that he's a harsh and strict man. So just listen and do what he says and you'll be fine." "Soomin-ah are you my friend or my mom?" Jungkook laughed out. "Yah! I'm trying to look out for you, you brainless meat lug!" "Meat lug?"

  "Yes, a brainless meat lug equals Jeon Jungkook." "Is that informal language I hear?" "Yes because you have to ears made to hear. Now get to your seventh period!" I said while pushing him towards the stairs then running back to my class so I won't be late. Taeyong would kill me if I was late to HIS class.

  Luckily I got there before the bell rang and sat next to Jisung and Chenle. "Somin-ssi where were you at lunch? We missed you." Jisung asked me. "Sorry, I was showing Jungkook oppa around the school. I'll be there tomorrow I promise." "You owe us some spicy ramen then." Chenle smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "Fine I'll get you guys some ramen later."

  "Miss Mun, Mr. Park, and Mr. Zhong. Is there something so important that you must talk about it in MY class." Taeyong asked with a smirk present on his face. Oh how I want to drop kick that off his face, but not now since it's school ours. Just wait until we get home. "No Mr. Lee, we're sorry we disrupted your class." I apologized to the skinny man in front of me.

  "Good. Let's not have a repeat." And with that he started handing out today's work. "Jisung-ssi, Chenle-ssi." I whispered and they both looked at me. "What?" They said in unison, "we have to plan to get revenge on Taeyong oppa later." And they both nodded.

Oh how I love pulling pranks.


A/N: YAAAAYY AN UPDATEEEEEE!!!!! Lol I'm not dead just busy but happy to be writing again! Also make sure to check later today for a second update. As said before I'm in marching band and that consumes a lot of time but I'll try to find time for this story. Anyways lots of love and see you in the next chapter! ❤️

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