The House of Cards

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WinWin POV

"Dream, you guys will go through the back, United team go through kitchen entry, 127 will sneak in through the roof. Stay hidden and find information that will be valuable." Taeyong Hyung ordered while still in the van. Today was the night we scout the BTS headquarters. BTS is the longest and the Kings of crime in all of South Korea. Mention one of their names and people will cower. Not NCT though, we only have one thing that means to us. And she is safe.

Me and the rest of my team made it up to the roof without a sound made. "Johnny, Chenle stay outside by your regions. Keep the guns loaded in case." Mark whispered through our coms. We reached the door that would let us in, Taeil reaches down and unlocked it. "Go in guys I got your back." Johnny said and we nodded and quietly made our way inside. "Alright we separate and find information, stay low and keep cautious. We don't know what kind of traps they have here." Mark said and with that we divided off.

I turned down a long corridor and I have to admit, this place is nice. Looks like royalty could be the residents of this mansion. I reached the end of the corridor and saw a big black door with golden masks and flowers engraved into it. Must be something important in there but how to get inside.


Jisung POV

"Jisung-ah I need you immediately come to the west side of the building now!" WinWin Hyung screamed in my ears through the com. "He's lucky I'm in the west side of the building now." I muttered under my breathe. It was odd at how quiet this place was. Gave me chills, I shook the feeling off. "Where am I going Hyung?" "There's a long corridor go to the end and when you get to a big decorated black and gold door your there. Climb through the vent on the side."

I was basically crawling so I won't be noticed even though it was pretty dark. I keep having this unsettling feeling in my gut. I feel like something will happen.


WinWin POV

  "Hyung I'm here." I turned around and saw Jisung coming towards me. "I need you to hack into these computers and see what information you can find." "Yes Hyung." He sat down in the big leather chair and worked his magic. I had to say for a 17 year old he was good at hacking, great asset for us.

  "What are we looking for Hyung?" "Anything you can find, Jisung-ah." He started going through every file super fast. I turned around to look at the door and keep guard. It was about five minutes later that I heard Jisung gasp loudly, "what's the matter Ji-" I realized why he gasped.

  On the giant screen was a picture of all 18 of us at a coffee shop. Photo after photo was all of some of us. Then my heartbeat quickened thinking that they could have possibly found out about Soomin. "Keep scrolling." Jisung went photo after photo until.
There she was sitting next to me on the bench with her beautiful smile. "No" I whispered, "keep scrolling." Photo after photo, it was all of us with Soomin. "They know."

"Well of course we do."

  I turned around quickly and saw Namjoon smirking. "She's a beautiful thing isn't she, bright smile, pretty eyes. Lovely girl too, good grades and so innocent. Tell me does she know that you boys are the big bad NCT?"
I stayed quiet and hung my head low.

  "Ah, so she doesn't know. Such a shame, if she was our girl she would know what we do and would be treated like a little princess." "Touch her and I'll kill you!" I shouted through gritted teeth. "Oh, did I hit a nerve? Oh my gosh! I completely forgot, you're the one completely in love with her!" "Hyung? What's he talking about?" "Oh, this is great, your own brother doesn't even know!"

  "Jisung-ah, I'll tell you later." I told him without turning my head away from Namjoon. "Well this chat was nice but we have to chase out the rats." Namjoon smirked and pushed a button and suddenly alarms went off. "Everyone leave now!" I heard Taeyong scream. "Although you two I might keep. Soomin seems to love the two of you, would break her little heart not to have you boys."

  He stepped closer and I stepped forward, I wasn't afraid of him. I would die to protect Jisung and I would die to protect Soomin. "Oh we have a challenger I see." He spoke cockily. "I won't let you touch her." "Oh but little rat, I'll find a way."
"Over my dead body." A new voice spoke. We all looked in the direction of the voice. It was Johnny with his sniper, "Let them go or I swear I will kill you now." Johnny spoke calmly, a creepy calm.

  Namjoon raised his hands, "No need for extreme measures boys. Go ahead and leave but just know you might lose something very soon." I grabbed Jisung's hand and we left not keep our eyes of off Namjoon. After we got out we ran to the van. "Is everyone here now?" Taeil yelled from the front seat. Mark did a head count, "Yes all 18 here." "What took you guys so long?" Yuta asked. "They know, they know it all. They know about all 18 of us, they know our names. And they know about..." my voice fell. "They know about what WinWin?" Yuta asked. "They know about Soomin." I lightly spoke out.

  Taeil stepped on the break, "WHAT?!"
"I don't know how. But in their computer they know about her and they're after her." I said, "We need to get home now Hyung. Drive!" I said fast. I swear if Soomin is hurt before we get their I'll kill BTS with my bare hands.


Taehyung POV

  We were all waiting for Namjoon Hyung to come to the meet room after NCT left our home. So predictable of those boys to come and invade our home. "When will he be here I'm tired." Yoongi Hyung yawned. Typical.
"Sorry I kept you boys waiting, had to turn the alarm off and the computers." Namjoon Hyung spoke. "No problem Hyung, so what's next?" Jimin asked.

  "Well now that we have confirmation that Soomin is their precious little angel. We have to kidnap her." He said, "But not in a violent way, she's too delicate. We must befriend her and slowly steal her from NCT." He smirked.

  "Well that should be easy no one can resist the J-Hope smile of sunshine." Hobi Hyung joked. "Well we will find a way to get her but let's use our resources. Don't her parents work for Jungkook's parents. Let's set up a dinner for the two families." I purposed. Jin smirked, "You're so smart Taehyung-ie." "Looks like we got a plan boys." Namjoon smirked as well.

Little Soomin won't you come to play in our House of Cards.


A/N: Omg I'm not dead lol. Sorry for the hold up guys but I was really busy this last week between school and home. I had so many projects I was going crazy. But now I have more time to write. Also new news if you haven't read my previous post, I will be doing a BTS fic. Prepare for a dark concept my dudes. That fic will be released on June 11 my dudes so be prepared. Love you guys and thanks for the reads! ❤️

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