His Friends

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Jungkook POV

Tata: How's your first day kookie?
Tiny man: Yeah are you making friends?
Actual grandpa: Don't ask me to sign your permission forms.
Hobiiiii: Hyung why are you yelling?
Eomma jin: I have to make sure my favorite child has nutrition😤
Joon-knee: Oh so we have favorites now?
Tiny man: Lil min???? Who??
Tata: Obviously lil min is SooMIN
Right kookie?

"MR. JEON THIS THE LAST STRAW HAND ME YOUR PHONE, YOU MAY GET IT AFTER CLASS!" Crap. These morons will get me detention. "Yes, sir." I reluctantly handed my phone over because technically I can't kill my teacher on the spot because then Namjoon will kill me. Gosh, just ten more minutes until I'm done. Just ten more.


Soomin POV

Just ten more minutes and then I'm free! And the planning for revenge on Taeyong will begin. His stupid long string bean built self has the audacity to use his "authority" to get at Jisung, Chenle, and I. Oh we'll show him for sure. "Soomin-ssi, come one let's go the bell rang!" Jisung said while shaking me. "The bell rang already?" "Yeah and you owe us some ramen. So come on get up." "Oh you're right."

  We got our stuff and headed out towards the exit of the school. You once we finally got out I saw Jungkook talking to a few older guys who I've never seen before. "Guys, we'll you give me a minute? I'll meet you by the car." "Yeah sure." I walked over to meet the guys with Jungkook. "Hey Jungkook oppa." He turned around and his eyes grew wide. "Soomin-ah! Hey!"
He pulled me over to face his friends I guess.

  "These are my hyungs, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, and Kim Namjoon." He introduced them going down the line. I bowed, "Hello, I'm Mun Soomin. It's a pleasure to meet you all." "It's actually a pleasure to meet you, Jungkookie talks about you a lot." The one I believe is Taehyung said. "Oh really, it's nice to know that."

  "Do you need a ride home? We've got room for one more." Namjoon asked. "Oh no, my friends are waiting on me actually. But maybe next time." "Ahhh, okay. Well it was nice to finally meet you Soomin-ah." Namjoon said while bowing. I bowed back and headed over to the boys to get ready to leave. Jungkook has some very well mannered friends that I can see my self becoming friends with soon. I looked ahead and saw SiCheng. "Oppa! Hey!"


WinWin POV

  "Oppa! Hey!" I heard her angelic voice and snapped my head up so fast to see her running up to me. "Hey Minnie." I said into her hair since she dove into my arms. "I missed you today." She looked up at me after I said that and leaned up. I meet her half way and kissed her passionately. She pulled away and whispered "I missed you too." "Are you guys done! I really want my ramen already!" Chenle called out from behind.

  Soomin started laughing, "We better get going. I owe him some spicy ramen for not being at lunch today." "Ah I see. Come on then." I slipped my hand in hers and we walked to the car. But as I turned my head I saw BTS staring our way. I felt my anger boil inside of me. I swear if they ever try anything I will end them all.


Namjoon POV

  "Our plan is working smoothly, soon we'll lure her in and use her as bait to take out NCT." I spoke to the rest of my members while we were planning this weeks heist and jobs. "Will we tell her what they really do?" Jimin asked. "Obviously, the plan is to tell her and get her to turn against them. Now not that she will join us, but just to get her so hurt that she'll find comfort in us and not trust them. She's their greatest weakness and if she is mad at them they will be at their lowest and that is when we strike." I explained.

  "But what if she remains loyal to them?" Jungkook asked. "What?" "She's extremely close to them. She's been with them for a long time. Who says this will cause her to leave?" Jungkook stared and I laughed. "Soomin is a innocent girl, raised by a good family. Her natural instinct will be denial, sadness, and disconnect. She will feel betrayed and disrespected by them. It's a high percentage that she will leave them to the curb. And that's when we welcome her with open arms and take out her trash."


Soomin POV

  We were at our favorite ramen restaurant and as promised I bought Jisung's and Chenle's bowls. As we were eating I looked around the table as the boys talked about random things. And as I looked at them I saw the happiness and love in there eyes. We truly are like a family and I couldn't be more grateful to have them in my life. They have made me so happy I don't know how I would be without them in my life. I don't think there is anything in this world that could cause me to leave them.

  No matter what the problem is I'm sure we can always solve it. Because my love for these boys is out of this world.

And nothing can change that. Nothing at all.

Lol hi
So I know I've been dead for a fat minute like literally I've been gone for months. But hey I'm back and better than ever. I'm sorry for my long hiatus, I was just super busy. But I will not let this book die. Also thank you for all the reads!! Everyday I would get notifications for this book and it just made my heart go crazy. Anyways I'm happy to be back and up to updating! - Love ya lazy author. (Also I'm sorry it's so short but it's something.)

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