The girl who wheeps

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       SiCheng POV 

  I watched as the love of my life walked away with my greatest enemy. And she absolutely hated me. 


      Soomin POV

  I helped Jungkook up to his feet, but he could barely keep his balance. God knows how many times he's been hit today. "Taehyung oppa can you help me with him?" Tae helped and grabbed his left side, while I held Jungkook's right side. We started off in the direction of the boys and thats when I heard the cry from SiCheng, "Soomin, Please I love you so much." I froze, tears forming in my eyes again. No. I can't cry. I won't. I turned around and looked him dead in the eye, "Well I don't love you anymore." I saw how his heart broke and it hurt me. I still love him, but after what he did. I can't forgive him. "Lets go boys." 


     Yoongi POV and Time skip

   "Soomin-ah you can stay in the library for now until we can get you a better room." Namjoon told her while grabbing extra blankets and pillows for her. "Thank you." Her voice was so weak and her head was hung low. I could tell she was hurting. Namjoon walked out and went to tend to Jungkook, so I took this moment to talk to her. I closed the door gently behind me and turned to see her just sitting on the make shift bed gazing out the window into the moonlight. I walked over and sat next to her, looking out into the unknown with her. "You okay twilight?" "You haven't called me that in a while." "I haven't seen you in a while." She laughed a bit, "You know the family misses you."

  I scoff, "Yeah right, they didn't seem to miss me after my mom passed. They didn't give a damn about me. Told me I needed to man up and stop being a crybaby. No one understood my pain." "My mom did. I did. You lost your mom, my mom lost a sister, and I lost my aunt. And I lost you." "You didn't lose me-" "Yes I did. You just left after the whole ordeal. You stopped calling and answering me. Telling me to stay away from you and I didn't understand why you pushed me away..... now I do though." I sighed, she was right I did cut her off when I joined BTS. But only cause I didn't want my only cousin wrapped up in this. Guess the world has its ways of just doing everything you don't want to happen.

  "I just wanted to keep you away from all this. You're like the younger sister I never had." "I get it, you just wanted to protect me. I guess that's what everyone wants to do with me." My mind wandered to SiCheng and the boys, or more so NCT, they just wanted to protect me. "I wish they just told me." "No you don't." Yoongi said while leaning back on to his hands. "What?" "Twilight you hate people that  hurt other people and do wicked things to hurt the world." "But I don't hate you." "Well you would if you knew the things I've done to people over the years." I sighed knowing he was right. I would always get angry whenever the news would report the crimes that gangs would do all over South Korea. But were the boys capable of doing things like that? "I just don't think they are capable of doing things like that. They are so loving and caring to me." I heard a loud snort come from Yoongi. "Yeah with you, but those boys are brutal." "Tell me what they did?" He looked at me uncertainly, "Are you sure-" "Yes. I need to know what they did and who they really were." 

   "Well get comfortable then." I moved the pillows around then wrapped the blanket around me. I nodded for him to start, but I was scared to hear what he was going to say. "Well Taeyong is the leader of the gang, so he calls the shots on everything. Taeil is the mercenary, he supplies the boys with all the weapons they need in order to carry out missions. Johnny is the sniper, he's not that much in the action but he has lots of blood on his hands. Yuta is their best fighter, the boy gets a power rush when fighting. He's beaten people to death before." I shift in my spot, the boys have truly killed people before. And Yuta has done it with his bare hands, the same hands that gently rub my head when I get migraines. Meanwhile Johnny, who judges my outfits, has shot people without them seeing. Taeil who sings to me when I can't sleep, gives the boys weapons of war. And Taeyong, the man who tickles me all day long, leads all of this.

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