The Call

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Kun POV 

  I walked away from the group and pulled out the flip phone that I thought I would never have to use. Dialing the the only number saved in the phone and patiently waited to be connected.


Third Person POV (Shanghai, China)

  The three boys sat listening to the Godfathers of the mafia with a bored expression written over their faces. They were promised a wealthy life and power by Kun, who they have yet to hear from in six months. The boys were tired of sitting around and playing bodyguard to the most powerful men in the mafia. Yes it had its benefits, but the boys craved the thrill of having an outside job. The Godfathers finally finished the meeting and the boys were free to do what they pleased for the remainder of the day. 

  The moment they stepped out of the conference room the eldest felt a vibration from the inner pocket of his suit jacket. Pulling out the object the boys realized it was the phone Kun gave them incase he needed to contact them. "The call will be the day you boys officially join the mafia, but it will only be in a time of emergency." Those were the exact words Kun left them with, and ever since that day they have been eager to receive that very call. The eldest quickly answered and waited for the other line to speak.

"Pack your things, you leave for Korea tonight."  And with that the call ended. Immediately after a text was sent with specific instructions for where they should be and what time for their flight.

"Welcome to the family boys." Wu Dingxiang, the most powerful man in the mafia, spoke to them causing all the boys to bow and thank him out of fear and respect.


Taeyong POV

  "What time will they be arriving?" "If they followed my instructions correctly ten pm on the dot." "I'll send Mr. Lu to pick them up then. In the meantime how exactly do you know these boys?" "I grew up in the mafia world in China, we have a lot of connections there that you don't know about. But they are extremely powerful people who need new recruits all the time. I supply the Godfathers with men and in return they give me services. One of those being three recruits that I would be able to call in and be used as men under NCT. When they arrive they are now under your leadership." I looked at Kun in shock. I had no clue we had this deal but it does benefit us greatly. Especially with the powerful Godfathers NCT could crush any other gang in South Korea. "I just informed Mr. Lu to pick up the boys, they will be here in thirty minutes." And with that I nodded and parted from Kun.


WinWin POV

  Yuta managed to get me to physically calm down but mentally I was still yelling at myself. I felt nothing but guilt inside me. I let my anger get the best of me and I hurt the love of my life to no end. Her words kept replaying in my head and each time it cut deeper into my heart. I decided to lay down but that was a mistake because my sheets smelt just like her. Frustrated, I went out onto our grand balcony to get some fresh air. I let my thoughts wander back to her and I couldn't help but think about if she was okay. Even if she hates me I still want her to be safe. I closed my eyes and just let the wind graze over my face. After a while I heard commotion inside and I turned to see Kun trying to gather everyone while he stood next to three unfamiliar faces. I walked in and sat down with the rest of the group waiting for Kun to speak.

  "As we are all aware, we are in a crisis situation regarding our Soomin. And because of this, we need all the help we can get. Most of you are unaware of my connections in China, but these three young men worked for me and now they work for Taeyong. So as of tonight they are officially apart of NCT and their loyalty stays here." "So are we going to get their names or no?" Haechan asked and I mentally face palmed. Kun did nothing but sigh and then finally spoke, "Of course you twat, if you had let me finished you would have known their names by now. Anyways, this is Xiao Jun, Hendery, and YangYang." "Welcome my fellow Chinese brothers. I am Yukhei but you can call me Lucas." "Ah, SiCheng come over and say hi to our fellow brothers." I visibly rolled my eyes, but I got up to great the boys. I bowed and spoke, "As Lucas said I am SiCheng but you can call me WinWin. I thank you for coming and helping. Soomin means a great deal to me and we are currently in a hard situation as of right now." "By hard situation he means a whole lot of shit went down and his future wife his extremely mad at him and all of us. But with your help we are sure to get her back." I punched him in the stomach and looked back at the three who held confused faces. 

  I went to speak before Ten cut me off. "So you guys just going to hog them and not allow us to introduce our selves and what our actual situation is?" I rolled my eyes but moved to let the boys meet the rest of the lot. Sitting down my mind went back to Soomin. 


Jeno POV

  We all introduced our selves and got to know each other with our three new members. After a while Doyoung decided to explain our conflict at the moment. I zoned out of the conversation and looked around the table. When my eyes landed on WinWin I frowned. He looked completely out of it. I know he's hurting majorly right now and there's really nothing we can do for him. Hopefully with Xiao Jun, Hendery, and YangYang we'll be able to get Soomin back safely. How we are going to do it? I have no clue. But hopefully she will be back soon.

  "In lighter news it will be Jisung's 18th birthday soon." Doyoung said to the new comers but that made me think. "Yeah and Soomin's 18th birthday is the day after, but we planned to celebrate it together. Now I don't think we will be able to do that." Jisung spoke with a sad face. He was right we always celebrated their birthdays together since we met Soomin. And before that, Jisung and Soomin always celebrated their birthdays together when they were younger. It would be strange to not do that again this year. "How about we agree to get her back before your 18th birthday?" Hendery suggested and we all agreed. But the problem was that their birthdays were only two weeks away. And we had no plan in place yet for her rescue. I looked up again and met eyes with WinWin, I could see he was thinking the same thing I was.

We would not get her back in time.


Hello my loves!

I'm so happy to see the amount of people who like this fic. Seeing everyones comments just makes me smile and laugh. I hope you keep enjoying Bad Habits because I have a lot more chapters to come! As always see you guys in the next chapter.

- Love Amby

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