You're My Home

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Soomin POV

I stared at SiCheng. I've been friends with him for a year, and I've always been close with him. And theirs no denying I do have feelings for him.

I slowly reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. Resting my head against his chest. It was beating so fast, but in his heart beat I felt a rhythm. A rhythm that brought me to my most intimate moments with SiCheng.

From when I first met him, to when he didn't want me to leave. I care for him and love him. "Yes." I felt him release a breathe I didn't know he was holding.

"Thank you, Minnie." "For what?" "Being with me." "It's actually a gift to be with you so, thank you." He laughed and kissed my forehead. Holding me closer to him.

I am safe with SiCheng. He is my home. He is my safe haven. He is the one I hold closet to in my heart. He is mine and I am his. And I couldn't be more happy.

I have the best friends ever and my best friend as my boyfriend. Aye that's pretty lit.


WinWin POV

I finally have her. After just dropping hints and flirting, I guess. My only worry now was Jungkook. I knew he had something bad planned. Something Soomin is completely oblivious to. I can't become a controlling boyfriend and tell her who not to hang out with.

I'm going to have to have my guard up 24/7 now. "We should get some rest Minnie." I put my fingers under her chin to lift her face up. She had her cute little sleepy face. "You're right, but what are we going to tell the others tomorrow." "Don't worry about it we'll figure it out. But right now you need sleep." "Bu-"

I cut her off by picking her up bridal style and carrying her to my bed. I gently put her down and got in next to her. "Shhh, go to sleep." I pulled the covers over us and pulled her close to my chest. Lightly running my fingers through her black hair. After a minute I heard the calm breathing of her. She was asleep.

*le time skip*

I woke up to Soomin's head buried in my chest. I honestly don't know how she is breathing right now. I check the time on my phone. 11:30. Well shit. Luckily It was Sunday. I looked down to Soomin. She is really knocked out. I poked her head. "Minnie."
Nothing. "Soomin-ah." Still knocked out. "Jagiya~" Her head moved the slightest.

  Oh my dear lord if she does not wake up I will go crazy. I tried shaking her gently. Nope. Nothing. She lowkey dead. That's nice. I had no choice now.

Savage WinWin mode activated.

  I moved out the bed and ran to the bathroom grabbed the spray bottle with water. I ran back to my bed and prepared to fire. Ready. Aim. Fire.


Soomin POV

  I felt cold water hit my face and that's when I was WOKE. I look up and I see SiCheng with the spray bottle. Did this hoe really just wake me up with a spray bottle. Oh we at war now. "I had to wake you up one way. You looked dead." He said smirking. That freaking smirk.

  "Really? Baby I'm pretty sure if you wanted to wake me up you could've found another way." He was shocked at the name I gave him. Perfect. I snatched the bottle from him and changed the setting from mist to direct. He was getting it directly in the eye ball. Pew pew mother fluffer.

  "Baby, let's think about this." He said with his hands up I'm surrender. Too late Hoe. I pressed my finger down on the handle and he felt the wrath of Soomin. He started flinching and trying to dodge the water shooting at his face. But he must of forgot even though I haven't shot a real gun; I am kick ass at Call of Duty. Don't play with me I have trick shots.

  "Okay. OKAY! I SURRENDER IM SORRY!" He cried out while being curled up in a little ball on the floor. Hehehehehe I win. "Since when did you become such a good shot?" "Hours of mastering Call of Duty." I said in a fake heroic voice. He gave me an 'are you serious' look and I just busted out in a fit of giggles.


WinWin POV

Well at least she would know how to shoot if it ever came down to her using a gun. Which I pray never happens but I Never know. "Come on let's of eat." I grabbed her hand but she pulled her hand out and I gave her a confused look. "Bro did you even brush your teeth. Ya nasty." She giggles out and made her way to the bathroom. Well she wasn't wrong should probably go do that.

  I walked in and grabbed my tooth brush and applied the paste. While brushing my teeth I focused my attention on Soomin. She had stopped brushing her teeth to check something on her phone. She had the toothbrush still in her mouth. She looked freaking adorable. Oh my god I'm completely soft for this girl. She returned to brushing her teeth. We botched finished at the same time.

  She got a cup of water and started to gurgle. I did the same, but then she started to make funny noises with the water. I did the same and soon we were having a full on conversation in gurgle. She started to laugh and forgetting about the water in her mouth. She accidentally projectile spit her water in my face. I spit my water out and she couldn't stop apologizing.

  "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry SiCheng!" She grabbed a towel and started to wipe my face dry. I sat down on the toilet seat cover to let her have better access to my face. Once she was done drying my face she set the towel on the counter and looked back at me. We stared and each other. Just admiring each other.


Soomin POV

  I stared at his face. Letting my eyes travel over each delicate facial feature. From his beautiful eyes, to his cute nose, to his cheekbones. And finally, to his lips. I looked back to his eyes to see him staring at my lips. "Can I?" He asked barley above a whisper. I nodded my head slowly and he cupped my right cheek and leaned in.

  When his lips touched mine it felt like the whole world disappeared. I let my left hand gently reach up to his right hand that was on his knee and intertwined our fingers. When we pulled away we rested our foreheads against each other.

He whispered words that made me want to cry.

"I don't ever want to let you go of you love."

A/N: oh wassup lovelies!! How are y'all enjoying this story. I promise things about to get juicy. Meaning stuff bout to go DOWNNNNN! Anyways thanks for the support on this story and the reads. You guys are amazing. Make sure to check out my frozen lies which is my BTS fic, that story line will be crazy. So go check it out. See you in the next chapter! ❤️

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