If Vacuums wore Hats

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Author's note: I made up this yesterday because someone placed a hat on our vacuums. Tootles! I dedicate this to a guy who has the guts to publish poems, I dig that!

If vacuums wore hats,

and umbrellas dresses,

pickles would bat

and ketchup teach lessons.

Mice would frock about every which way

while the humans tied up as they were would stay.

No more complaints off the dock of no sighting of fish

those fish would have their revenge on a dish.

yes, if vacuums wore hats,

and umbrellas dresses,

what a peculiar world would that be!

A world where bees could just be free.

Think of that ghastly sight,

a towel having fun at the beach,

a night without a flashlight,

and trees with ample room to reach!

If the animated became alive,

and the objects stopped being objective,

the humans would not thrive,

so life as we know it would be defective.

But, vacuums do not wear hats,

and umbrellas dresses.

We humans go out with our bats,

and from now on take guesses at what life could be without our successes.

Author's note: That felt like if you gave a cookie to a mouse style of poem, but it got dark all of a sudden. Whew.

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