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[Y/n's P.o.V]

I already changed into my robes and waited for the Weasley Twins as they were somewhere changing as well and doing pranks. They were nice people I could tell they'd be nice to be friends with.

I read while waiting for them as I read, I tried some of the spells and it was fun. It's quite easy to learn them. I kept on reading since it got interesting. After I finished reading I sighed and looked outside as I thought of what Dumbledore told me. 'Have fun and make friends' I thought of it for a while. I just shrugged it off and heard sounds of laughter outside. It might be the Weasley twins, they slide open the door smiling at me.

"Were going to do some pranks at one of the compartment, want to come?" Fred said. I looked at them and though of it for a while.

"Come on, Y/n," George said grabbing my arm. I sighed and gave in. "Okay," I say and they both smiled widely dragging me into their craziness.

As time passed by we arrived at Hogwarts. I stayed beside the Weasley Twins since they were 'trustworthy' if that's the word I'm looking for...

"Hey, Riddle!" The twin says in unison.

"Yeah?" I turned to face them. "See you at Hogwarts!" They said waving and the left me, I waved back smiling. This must be what having a friend feels like. 

I got on the boat with 3 other students. A raven-haired boy, red-headed hair, and a puffy brown-haired girl. They seemed a bit nice. 

As we arrived at Hogwarts we met Professor McGonagall and said to wait. 

"So It's true then? What they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts" A blonde boy suddenly spoke, looking at who I presume is Harry Potter. Everyone started to whisper and talk. "This is Crabbe and Goyle...And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" He said walking towards Harry smiling and held out his hand for him to shake, the red-headed boy beside Harry snorted. 

"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask yours, red hair and hand me down robe. You must be a Weasley" He sneered, I looked over at the red-headed boy. It must be one of the Weasley's brother.

"We'll soon find out--" I cut him off and said "Hey! You don't have the right to talk to someone like that!" I said going in front of the Weasley boy. 

"And you are?"

"Why would I answer your question? When you already know someone by judging there looks.." I say as I raised an eyebrow.

"Well... I only him... He's a blood traitor!" Draco tried to reason out...

"And you're a pureblood idiot!" I took out my wand and said "Colovaria!" His hair turned pink he just smirked at me thinking nothing happened.

People behind us laughed and giggled at what I did. "Malfoy, I think you need to look at a mirror," I smirked at him he looked at his hair but before he could a tall lady tapped on his shoulder.

"Oh dear, Mister Malfoy did you dye your hair?" Professor McGonagall said. He just nodded in embarrassment and sneered at me, some people were still giggling. "We are ready for you now." She said as the big wide doors opened in front of us. 

We walked in I saw the Weasley Twins as we walked. They smiled at me, I just waved. And continued walking until we stopped. I look up and stare at the sky in awe. It was beautiful the candles floating by the night sky. It was truly beautiful if only I had my camera now. 

Professor Dumbledor said a few rules and then Professor McGonagall spoke.

"So when I call your name you will come forth I shall place the Sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses." She said showing the hat. 

Some people were called then it was my turn...

"Y/N Marvolo Riddle?" She called out in a confused tone.

I walked up to the sorting hat and sat down.

"Ah, I haven't seen another Riddle for the past 53 years. Well... I see... No happy memories... not one... I see you're smart and intelligent... Kind but cunning...Hmm.."

To be continued...

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