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[Y/n's P.o.V]

I sat down reading then the Weasley Twins came up to me. "Hey, Riddle..." they say to unison as always, "Hmm?" I looked at them raising an eyebrow. 

"Who was that guy over there? Is he your boyfriend? He kept on smiling and staring and-" They were cutted off by me, "No, no, and no... I don't even know him! Plus I'm 'ONLY' 11 years old, I haven't even met him yet" I say defending myself.

I looked at the boy I bumped into he was smiling at me when I caught his eye he looked away and talked to his friends. 

"Are you sure?" The twins say in unison.

"Sure..." I say assuring them.

"Alright then" they smiled at me teasingly before they left me to study.

~Time skip by Rubeus Hagrid~

I sat by the black lake and read a book for Charms Class. 

"Hey, there" someone says. I look up to see who it was and... It was the boy who I bumped into. "H-hi..." I stuttered I never stuttered I didn't know why I was stuttering. "I'm Cedric! C-Cedric Diggory!" He says, I smiled a bit looking down, "I'm Y/n, Y/n Riddle" I say to him, giving him a blank face trying not to smile, but I just gave in and smiled at him. 

I tried to hide my face from him

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I tried to hide my face from him.  "It's nice to meet you, Y/n," He says scratching his neck. I looked at him and he was so adorable or something.

"Samet to you. Oh, W-W-Well I-i-i go now..." I say stuttering making a fool of myself. I just ran off with my book and go to the Slytherin common room.

I just smiled at myself again, thinking of what just happened. That was the first time I smiled, I just kept on smiling. I saw my fellow Slytherins look at me as if 'I don't believe IT! She's smiling!' Or 'OMG! She IS smiling!'. I just smiled at them and walked to my dormitory.

He's so cute, the way he talks, his hair is just--

Y/N Riddle What are you thinking?!?!? Dear God, now I have a crush?

The Next Day...

It was the weekend...

I woke up gloomy as usual, but I remembered what happened yesterday. I just blushed and giggled to myself. 

"IT'S A MIRACLE!  SHE SMILED FINALLY" It was Lila after she said that she slept back again.

I just threw a pillow at her, laughing. I just changed into a pair of jeans and the first black sweater I saw and walked to the Great Hall for breakfast I ate and walked outside. I glance to the side and saw that the girl with poofy hair who was mostly the one who answers in class was walking towards me.

"Hey uhm... Y/n!" The girl with poofy hair smiled at me.
"Yes?" I said as I look over at my books.

 "Well, I was wondering IF... you know what the... uhm Philosopher's stone is? Oh! I'm Hermione by the way," She said while smiling at me and held out her hand.

I smiled back and shaked her hand, then I just noticed Is this becoming a habit of me smiling? 

"Yes, I do know," I say. I've read about it somewhere in the library. 

"Oh! Can you please tell us? Ron, Harry, and I were kind of wondering what it was," She explained.

"Oh, uhm, sure. Meet me at the Black Lake," I say and then left. 

Am I having friends?

But why do I feel like someone's... stopping me..?

To be continued...

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