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Two days later, Connor and Sam came back to the orphanage.  "We need Lyric Farrow to come down to the lobby where she will be being adopted." Mrs.Lazlo spoke happily on the loud speaker. "What?" I jumped up off my bed. "That's you!" Amelia said, putting her book down.  I ran down those steps. I saw Sam Pottorff standing there with papers Connor next to him, smiling. "Hi!" I giggled. "Hi!" Sam laughed. "Lyric, how would you feel if we adopted you?" Sam said. "I would feel very happy." I told him, putting my hands behind my back. "So, then why don't you come upstairs and we will back you're bags." Sam told me, grabbing my left hand. "Hi, I'm Amelia!" Amelia said when Sam opened the door, he waved and began to pack my stuff, while I sat with Amelia saying my final goodbyes. 

A little while later, Sam signed me out and now I was his daughter, legally. I was so curious as the what happened with Samantha.  "Why did you bring Samantha back?" I asked. "Well, sometimes we see people for a different person than they are, and when people show there true colors, sometimes we as humans don't like the person they are." Sam said, looking back at me through his car mirror.  "Then why didn't you choose me first?" I asked. "Well, I like to live by the saying, first is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy chest. All good things come second." Sam told me. "Okay." Sam pulled the keys out of the ignition, Connor looking down at his hands. "Now, Lyric, this is you're... I mean OUR new home." Sam told me. I looked up at  big giant house. I unlocked my seatbelt and got out of the car. I ran inside and 4 boys looked at me. I got scared so I backed up, I ended up backing up into Sam. 

"Oh! Sorry." I said. "Don't apologize you did nothing wrong." Sam said. "Boys, this is Lyric. Lyric this is boys!" Sam said. "Hi I'm Ricky Dillon." said the one with the lisp.  "Hi I'm Jc Caylen." said the one with brown bushy hair.  "Hi I'm Trevor Moran." said the shortest looking one. "And I'm Kian Lawley." said the one with a LOT of pictures on his arms. "You okay, Lyric?" Connor asked me. "Yeah I'm okay." I giggled. "I order pizza if you want some." Trevor told me. "Um, can I have one slice?" I asked. "Of course! Ham or just cheese?"  Trevor asked. "Just cheese please." I said. He cut me a slice and put it on a plate, handing it to me. I ate it right up. 

I then started to yawn and my eyes got all droopy. I looked at the clock: 9:30 pm. "Lyric it's bed time." said Sam. "Okay." I said. Sam led me to my bedroom which was blue and had a cloud bed spread, the walls had small clouds on them, in big words was painted: Our2ndLife's Child! That is so cool!  "Good night Lyric." Sam said. "Hey Sam?" I asked. "Yes?" "Are you my dad now?" I asked him. "Yes." He said. "Okay goodnight. " I said.

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