Two Girls

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"Okay, Class let's go in a circle on the carpet and say our name and 1 fact about us." Mrs.Hay said.

We all sat in a circle on the carpet. I was next to a boy and a girl. The girl had dark brown hair out in two pigtail braids. She had green eyes that poped. She was wearing a bracelet that said Gabrielle. I guess that was her name.

The boy I sat next to had blonde hair and blue eyes. He wasn't that cute. He had a goofy yet warm smile.

"Okay let's start! How about you go first?" Mrs.Hay said pointing to the boy next to me.

"Sure!" he said standing up. "Hi I'm Dylan! A fact about me is I like making people laugh."

When he sat back down he turned to me and said"Your turn."

I stood up. "H-Hi I'm Lyric. A fact about me is I love to sing and I hope to be a singer one day." I said.

I sat down.

"Hi! I'm Gabrielle but call me Gabby. A fact about me is I love to talk to people!" She said.

She sat down and smiled at me,"Your really pretty! Wanna be best friends?" She asked.

"Sure" I said.

Recess rolled around and Gabby introduced me to a girl with light brown hair and green eyes,"Lyric this is Sarah! Sarah this is Lyric!"

"Hi I'm Sarah nice to meet you." She said.

"Lyric." I said.

I reached out to shake her hand but she pulled me into a hug and said," We are gonna be bestfriends."

Then it was time to go home. I said goodbye to Sarah and Gabby. I ran to my dad and gave him a hug.

"Daddy! Daddy! Guess what!" I said as we reached the car.

Sam lightly chuckled and said,"What princess?"

"I made two bestfriends there names are Sarah and Gabby. There really nice girls!" I said.

"That great baby!" Sam said.

We reached the house and I walked in and gave each boy a hug and a kiss. I told them all about Sarah And Gabby and Sam said he would check to see I I could have a playdate with them.


Hey guys! It's Charlotte. Aren't Sarah and Gabby just so sweet! Sarah and Gabby are actually based off of two friends I made in Kindergarden so yeah.






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