The Airport

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is it interesting yet?! well it will be! & if you're reading, thanks x



-Haley's P.O.V.-

I heard a faint noise. It turned out to be my alarm clock on my phone and it was annoying, so i hurried to get myself out of bed and turned it off. I was so tired I forgot that I was going to be on a plane to the uk in less than three hours. Well I did my usual morning routine while blasting some One Direction throughout my bedroom. Oh how I loved them, they were just so perfect to me. 

I had tried to get tickets to go to one of their concerts while I was going to be in the uk, but sadly, they were all sold out. Well, on the bright side, I can attempt to get tickets when they come back to Dallas. I remembered every moment of June 23rd, their concert was just simply perfection. 

Well once I got out of lala land, I noticed my mom was outside already starting the car. I grabbed my bags and placed them in the trunk. I opened the car door, slid in, and buckled up. My mom turned up the radio and 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran was playing, and both of us were happily singing along. "AND THEY SAY SHE'S IN THE CLASS A TEAM, STUCK IN HER DAYDREAM..." we sang in unison.


Once we got out of the minor traffic, we had finally reached the airport. My mom and I were driving through the large airport so that I could get to the right place. Well she couldn't stay with me to wait, so we went through the drop off lane. We got out of the car, got my bags out and stood there looking at each other for a second, then she hugged me so tight, I was sure I couldn't breath.

"Oh Hales! I'm going to miss you so much!" she said starting to get teary eyed. "Mom, I'll be fine, you don't have to worry about me, Aunt Kaity will take care of me the whole time I'm there," I reassured her. "I know that, but I'm a mother, of course I'm going to worry about my little girl going to a different country! she reinstated letting me go. "I'd better get going before I miss my flight," I started to say, "I'm going to miss you mom, i love you." "I love you too Hales," she said back while waving to me.


I boarded the plane and like usual I was one of the last ones to get on, so I didn't get any window seats. "Ma'm there's a seat right over there," the flight attendant said pointed towards a blond haired handsome looking man who was looking down. "Er, thanks!" I said as I was walking towards the blond man.

 "Excuse me," I said while trying to figure out what he looked like. "Oh sorry," he said while moving his legs out of the way. He smiled at me when he looked up, so I felt the need to smile back. He turned towards me to where I could see his face and it turned out that he was attractive.

"Hey, my name is Justin, Justin Parks nice to meet ya," he said holding out his hand for me to shake. Well this guy seemed like a nice person, so i held my hand out to shake his and said, "Nice to meet you Justin, my name is Haley Clark." 


Justin was telling me stories about how he helped out with all kinds of charities. I was so fascinated by his stories of helping out the less fortunate, I wanted to hear more what this guy had to say. This guy seemed totally nice and sweet, so I kept getting lost in his sea of stories. My eyes couldn't stay open anymore, so I shut them and fell asleep.

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