Confused Little Minds

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Hi guys, I just wanna say thanks for reading my story, and I tried to go by a regular updating schedule, but, I haven't been following through with that >.< so sorry! i'll try to update more before school starts, bleeeh .-. Well, anyways sorry for this sorta long author's note, & don't be scared to fan/vote/comment ya know if you want. :3 



-Harry's P.O.V.-

Ding! Ding! Ding! I heard my alarm on my phone go off. My hand lifted from the side of the bed and searched the nightstand for my phone, so I could turn the stupid alarm off. I felt myself tossing and turning as my eyes slowly opened. I was feeling rather groggy at the moment, but of course I just barely woke up. After I turned the alarm off I checked the time, which read 6:28 a.m. Why the hell am I up this early?

The boys and I had the day off today, so we were just going to chill out at the hotel, but I was hoping that Haley would be free today. My eyes scanned the room and of course the boys were all asleep. I crawled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water, brushed my teeth with minty fresh toothpaste, and took a quick shower. I felt so fresh.

I thought of texting Haley, but I figured she was still asleep, so I went to the lounging room, sat on the couch, and turned on the TV. There wasn't really anything good on to watch this early, so I ended up watching a movie that Liam brought with him, Toy Story. About halfway through the movie, I felt my eyes slowly getting heavier and heavier and soon enough I was asleep. 


-Haley's P.O.V.- 

My ears picked up a sound of something hard dropping to the floor. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes still feeling tired. Jeez what time is it? I looked around for my phone and remembered I put it on the nightstand. It was 8:47. I usually wake up around 12, but I guess it was better to wake up earlier.

The thoughts of my nightmare from last night suddenly re-entered my mind. I really hate Justin. Wherever he is now, I just hope he's not convincing some other girl that he's a nice guy. Every single detail from that night, and my nightmare rushed through my head. I tried to think about something that would make me happy, like that text I got from Harry last night, but I couldn't stop thinking of my nightmare. 

Was it a sign that I could never be loved by Harry? No, no, no, Haley, don't let it get to you. Was it true? Was there nothing special about me? I started to think negative thoughts about myself and found a cold tear rolling down my cheek. Maybe I shouldn't bother Harry anymore. Maybe I should just get out of his way.

Oops, I forgot that I heard something fall or break. Hm, I wonder what broke. I checked Molly's room and she was still sleeping. Good. My aunt's bedroom door was wide open and it seemed like she was on a cleaning frenzy or something because her room looked better than it looked before. For one, It didn't smell like alcohol anymore. 

As I started walking downstairs, the aroma of pancakes started to fill the hallway. Was my Aunt Kaity cooking breakfast? This would be the first time I'd see her. I was actually kind of excited. I continued walking down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen. "Aunt Kai-" I cut myself off to see that it wasn't my aunt who was here, it was Vanessa. 

"Hi Haley, did I wake you up? I'm sorry," she said as she was cleaning what seemed to be pancake batter off of the floor. "Well kind of, but I was already waking up. Um where's my aunt?" I asked looking around to see if maybe she was around. "Oh she went to work about 30 minutes ago and told me to tell you, 'Thanks for watching Molly for the rest of the night yesterday.' "

"Do you know what time she gets home from work? I asked while getting plates for the both of us. "Yeah, she get's off like at 5 p.m, but she doesn't really come straight home.." she said before trailing off. "Oh.." was all I could say because I figured she didn't come home right after work. There was dead silence for about 2 minutes before I opened my mouth to say something. 

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