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-Harry's P.O.V.-

"I need to tell you guys something," I said clearing my throat. "Get on with it lad, I'm really tired," Zayn said with a huge yawn. "Oka-" I was cut off by Louis telling me to wait because he needed to go to the bathroom. I felt like I was never going to tell them.

"Okay, no one needs to do anything else right?" I said as I heard them snicker to themselves. "Well earlier when I was out on my evening stroll, there was a guy and a girl, the guy was being very rude to her, then ran away, so I went and saved the day like I always do," I said as they all looked at each other confused. "Oh you helped someone? Good for you!" Liam said giving me a high five. 

"Yeah, I took her to where she was staying and made sure she was okay, and then I invited her to hang out with us tomorrow," I smiled really big so maybe they'd be okay with it. "Harry we have an interview tomorrow at noon," Liam said while looking at the calendar on his phone, "But, I suppose she can tag along." "YAY!" I said getting up and doing a little dance. 

"Yeah, it would be nice to hang out with someone different," Zayn said teasing all of us. "Is she a fan of ours?" Louis asked while taking a sip of his tea. "Yes, but she's not one of the crazy ones, she's just an adorable girl," I said with a smile as I started to daydream. "Oh this is gonna be fun!" Niall exclaimed as he was still eating his chicken wings.

The boys all went to sleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about hanging out with Haley tomorrow and what we were going to do.


-Haley's P.O.V.-

I woke up to the sound of my cousin Molly yelling from her room, so I quickly got up to go comfort her. I passed by my aunt's bedroom and I noticed she wasn't in her bed. I went to get Molly from her room and walked to the kitchen. She's not in here. I checked both of the bathrooms to see if she was showering or something, but there wasn't any water running.

I checked the counter tops to see if she left a note or something to inform me on where she went, but there was nothing. I made Molly some food and then pulled put my phone to call my aunt. As it was ringing, I thought of places she could be. She could be at work, but then she would've told me. She could be getting food, but again, she would've told me. I kept thinking about where she could be and then it hit me. She probably didn't even come home last night. How irresponsible. 

She didn't answer the phone the first time, so I tried ringing her again. No answer. I was fixing to give up, but then my phone started buzzing, it was her. I quickly answered and started talking, "Aunt Kaity, where are you?" "Oh Hales, I'm sorry, my friends didn't think I was going to be able to drive and we couldn't get a cab, so they let me crash at their place!" she said sounding sick. "So, you could've got one of them to inform me that you weren't coming home, I was worried when I didn't find you here," I said at a normal tone. "Don't talk so loud, I'll be home later just watch Molly for me," she said before hanging up. "Yeah..sure," I said as soon as she hung up.


I almost forgot that I was going to hang out with Harry and the boys today, but now I had to take Molly along. I hope they don't mind. I gave Molly a bath and got her dressed and ready to go. She was yawning, so I let her take a nap, and it was also the perfect time for myself to get ready for the day. 

I hopped in the shower and started thinking to myself. Don't freak out when you meet the rest of the boys. I was calm with Harry, but it was just him, I didn't know if I was going to be able to contain myself with all of them around me. 

I tried to hurry with my shower because I didn't know when Molly was going to wake up. I covered myself with a towel and ran to the guest room. I opened my suitcase so I could pick my outfit for today. I threw on some white skinny jeans, a cropped tee that said the word LOVE in big letters, and blue TOM's. As for my hair, I didn't really know what to do with it, so I just put it in a messy bun. When I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair kind of reminded me of how Miley Cyrus's hair looks when she puts it up.

I went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth when I heard a faint crying noise. I went to go get Molly something to play with and I had to find her a different outfit because she wet herself. I figured she was potty trained or something, but whatever she was sleeping. 

Bzzz. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Is it Harry, already? I took it out and read the name on the screen. Aunt Kaity. I opened it and it said, 'I promise I'll make it up to you.' Most likely not. My mother let me come to the UK because she thought my aunt would be with me at all times, but I haven't even seen her since I got here and who knows when I would. 


-Harry's P.O.V.-

I woke up to the smell of something burnt. I guess Louis was trying to cook again. I sat up on the bed and realized I was the last to wake up. "Harry! Wake Up!" I heard Niall yell before he entered the  bedroom, "Oh, you're awake. Ya gotta get ready for our interview lad, it's in like an hour and thirty minutes." "Yeah I know, I'm getting up," I mumbled as I started to get off of the very comfortable bed.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my pearly whites. "Hey, I made you breakfast!" Louis said excitedly while holding a plate of what I think was pancakes. "No thanks," I said as I saw them practically black. "FINE! More for me," he said as he took a bite then quickly spit it out. "Ha ha ha, very funny," he said making a face when I started to laugh. "He tried to feed those burnt pancakes to us too!" Liam and Niall said in unison. "So I ordered room service!" Zayn said with a loud chuckle.

We ate breakfast and then all went to change.

-Louis' P.O.V.-

Geez, no one ever wants to eat my cooking. The boys and I were going to an interview so I had to change out of my comfortable sleeping clothes. I put on a plain white t-shirt, tan pants and some blue sneakers. I was ready to go, but Zayn was taking forever in the loo! 

I went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, and turned around to find Harry running around all excitedly. "Someone's excited!" I said loudly while trying to make Harry slow down, "Is it because you're gonna be with that 'wonderful girl' again?" "Uhh..erm-" he tried saying before I cut him off. "HESITATION!" I yelled in his face before laughing. 

"Well boys, I think we should be going soon," I yelled throughout the hotel room gesturing my hand to the door. "We're coming!" Liam, Harry, Niall and Zayn all said in unison.

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