The Girl

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-Harry's P.O.V.-

What I could hear of the guy and the girl's conversation started off like any other conversation would. They were talking about what a great time they were having here in London, I didn't want to eavesdrop, so I just continued enjoying time to myself. I rested on the bench, replaying old memories of the boys and I in my head, and before I knew it, I was asleep.


I probably was asleep for literally like 5 minutes only to be awaken by loud voices. It was coming from the same spot it had been before. Were the same people still arguing? I was kind of worried, so I sat up on the bench and started to be more alert about their conversation.

Even with their loud voices, I couldn't make out what they were saying. I stood up from the bench and started walking to a closer spot. Wait, I had to make sure that the two people or anyone else didn't see me. By the time I reached a spot where I could hear clearly, I heard the sound of something quite loud. I quickly looked towards the man and the woman and saw his hand over his cheek. A slap.

The girl looked so afraid of this man, I couldn't just stay there and watch. I started to move from where I was and heard cars. The tall blond man also heard and right there, he threw the frightened girl to the ground and ran off. Now, I was alarmed and started running towards the girl.

She looked shocked and it seemed like she couldn't move. "Miss! Are you okay?!" I started to say trying to help her up, "What that guy did was messed up, I just had to ru-" she cut me off. "Um, I'm sorry you had to witness that," she said quietly while looking at the ground. "I'm sorry you had to experience that," I said making sure she didn't trip while getting up. She was still looking at the ground, still shocked at what had happened.


-Haley's P.O.V.-

I was lying on the ground in pain when suddenly someone came over to me and started trying to help me up. Did that really happen? Was I just thrown to the ground like some sort of rag doll? I had no idea where the bastard ran off to, but all I could think of was, it could've been worse if there wasn't a distraction. 

"Miss, are you okay?" I heard the person say. It was a guy's voice, I was in shock, so I didn't even turn to look at his face. His voice sounded deep and slow, and I could also hear panic in his voice. The guy said something else, but I was kind of zoned out and I guess I interrupted his sentence. "I'm sorry you had to witness that," I said looking at the ground and getting teary eyed. "I'm sorry you had to experience that," the boy replied still trying to get me off of the cold sidewalk. 

Once I finally got up on my feet, I held my head up as I was fixing to thank the boy that had helped me. I turned my head to face him and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My mouth shot open and my eyes got big. Harry Styles? I knew it was him the minute I saw his curly locks and his green eyes. Was I unconscious and having a dream that he was saving me? 

"Har-Har-Harry Styles?" I asked trying to figure out if this was real. "Erm, yes," He replied with a smile. On the inside I was fangirling so much right now, but on the outside I tried to stay calm and not make myself look like a crazy psycho. My eyes still big, I couldn't believe that Harry Styles was standing right here in front of me.


-Harry's P.O.V.-

It seemed this girl was a fan, one of the calm ones actually. She also looked really cute with the surprised look on her face. Her hair was now down and messy and she was staring at me in awe with her big blue eyes. "What's your name love?" I asked bringing her out of her trance. "Haley Clark," she replied once she heard what I said. 

"Well hello there love, nice to meet you," I said holding up my hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you too!" she said with a huge smile while shaking my hand. She had a really nice smile. "Well, how are you feeling, does anything hurt?" I asked looking into her eyes. "Not really, just my back and my shoulder," she answered while lifting her arm up and moving her shoulder in circular motions. "Well I'm going to take you to the hospital to get you checked out and make sure you're alright, okay love?" "Okay," she said. 

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