The Hospital

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so basically, there's almost 100 reads! well anyways, thanks for reading! & leave me comments, feedback, fan me, or something if you want, anyways..  (x 



-Haley's P.O.V.-

Was this really happening? Was I actually in a taxi sitting next to THE Harry Styles of One Direction? This was all just too much to handle in one night. What was I going to tell my Aunt Kaity? 'Yeah, I went around London with a complete stranger and he turned out to be a creeper, oh but don't worry Harry Styles was there and he helped me.' Was she really going to believe that? 

As I thought to myself about excuses to tell her, the thoughts of Justin came back in my mind. How was I so stupid to go around with this guy and not even think twice about what could happen? It was his innocent face and his stories about helping the less fortunate that got me. Come to think of it, I doubt he helps anybody. I really regret my decision to go with him, but it happened, and now it was just another bad memory burned into the back of my brain.

I didn't want to think about what happened earlier anymore, so I took out my ipod and put my music on shuffle and drowned out my thoughts. 


-Harry's P.O.V.-

We were about 10 minutes away from the hospital when I noticed that Haley had fallen asleep listening to music. I looked at her face and smiled, she looked so peaceful sleeping. As we were arriving to our destination, I lightly nudged her arm and whispered, "Haley....pssst, Haley, we're here." 

She quickly opened her eyes and started to look around as if she forgot where we were going. "Already? How long was I asleep for?" she asked while opening the taxi door. "It was only for about 45 minutes," I said with a little chuckle opening the door on my side. "Let's go in love," I said while getting her bags out of the trunk. 


"My back is hurting so much right now!" Haley said while sitting in a chair waiting for the doctor to return. "The doctor should be back soon to tell us what you need to take care of that pain," I reassured her. As soon as I finished speaking, the doctor returned. 

"Hello," the doctor started to say, "There's nothing serious here to worry about, it's just temporary pain." "That's a relief," Haley said looking less worried. "All you need is to put an IcyHot patch on your back for about a week every night before you go to bed, then your back pain should be gone." the doctor said while looking at his clipboard he was holding, "And for your shoulder, it's red and swollen, and is most likely going to turn into a bruise, so you'll need to put ice on it, I'll go get you some for now." 


-Haley's P.O.V.-

I'm so glad this wasn't as serious as I thought it was going to be. I looked at Harry and he looked concerned. "It's not anything I can't handle," I told him as we were leaving. He halfed smiled while trying to call a taxi. He put my luggage into the trunk of the car and we got in. "Is there somewhere you're staying love?" he said while buckling up. "Uh, yes actually, let me give you the address," I said while taking out my phone to look at the text my aunt had sent me earlier, "It's 6054 Downing Drive."

As we started to drive, I was thinking about just telling my aunt that my flight got delayed a few hours. I mean I really didn't want her to know that I went out and about with a stranger that caused me to go to the hospital. The drive from the hospital to my aunt's house was about an hour, which gave me time to actually have a conversation with Harry.

"You seem like a nice girl, you should come hang out with me and the lads!" Harry suggested. Wow, was I just being invited to hang out with all of One Direction? There's no way I was going to miss out on that! "Yes!" I replied trying to stay calm. Harry smiled at me and put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his phone. Oh my lanta, was he going to do what I think he's going to do? 

"Well if we want to hang out, there has to be a way for us to contact each other," he said while getting ready to save a new contact. Oh my gosh. He did ask me that. Harry Styles was fixing to save my number in his phone. Never in a million years would I have thought this would happen. It turns out I had a huge smile on my face, and oh my gosh he was smiling one of those golden smiles of his, and I just about died. We exchanged numbers, then he said, "Let's take a picture! It's for your contact photo." We took a picture together and he set it as my contact photo. "Now you need one," he added while getting ready to take another picture. "Okay, 1..2..3," I said clicking the button while I took our picture.

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