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"I'm sorry Clo" Grayson sighs once we're in the car, "I shouldn't have snapped at you earlier"

"So we're using nicknames now?" I smirk and he rolls his eyes at me, "it's fine just forget about it" I shrug.

"I told Madison to be nicer to you before we left, so next time you's meet she'll be more pleasant" he assures me as we drive through the little town beside the beach.

"Oh, thanks" I mumble.

"You didn't want me to?" he asked confused.

"I shouldn't have said what I said, I didn't mean to come between you, sorry" I apologise.

"You didn't come between us" he smiles placing a hand on my thigh. I don't know if he's just trying to be friendly but it feels like more than that.

I knew before signing the contract I'd have to keep things strictly professional with Grayson and that was easy until he kissed me. I got caught up in the moment and forgot it was about the cameras but now I can't stop thinking of the way it felt.

"Are you cold?" Grayson asks.

"Hmm?" I'm too distracted by his hand on my thigh that I'm not paying any attention to him.

"You're leg has goosebumps, are you cold?" he asks again and takes his hand off my leg to close the windows.

"Yeah, just a little bit" I mutter a white lie.

"How do you feel about ice cream?" he asks, "are you too cold?"

"No I'm good for ice cream" I smile.

"Good" he says as we stop outside an ice cream parlour, he unbuckles his belt and reaches into the back seat, "here" he hands me his hoodie.

"It's alright, I'm not that-"

"Just wear it" he cuts me off before getting out of the car, I slip the jumper on as Grayson walks around to open my door.

"There's cameras here" he mutters taking my hand as I'm getting out of the car, "they must have followed us"

"Is that a problem?" I ask confused.

"No just letting you know" he says as we walk into the parlour.

"What would you like?" Grayson asks.

"Mint please" I smile.

Grayson orders and pays before I even have the chance to offer, all the seats inside are taken so we sit outside but I don't mind. The sun is setting and the sky is a beautiful mix of pink and orange.

Grayson's phone is on the table when it buzzes with a text and he picks it up to read.

"It's a message from Amanda" he informs me, "she says the internet blew up over the kiss and fans love it" he read the message and my phone buzzes too with the same message.

"Our relationship has a name" I scoff after going on to Twitter, "according to E! news we are officially named Chayson"

"Did they do a poll again?" he asks and I nod.

"I knew you were famous but I didn't think you were E! news famous, I mean that's for like celebrities" I admit out loud but it sounded much better in my head.


"No, I don't mean it like that obviously you are a celebrity I just didn't think you were this big, I mean you have a lot of fans but E! news is for the Kardashian's not that you aren't as famous I just mean-I don't even know what I mean" I ramble on.

"Not that I understand anything you just said but it's fine" he smiles, "you didn't even sound like you were speaking english because you were talking so fast " he laughs making me laugh.

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