[fourty three]

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"No Chloe wait" Grayson says grabbing my hand and pulling me back to him, "I don't know what to say" he starts to panic.

"Stop overthinking it, he's three" I remind him, "and you're his dad, he's going to love you no matter what" I assure him before leaving the living room to wake Sean up.

Grayson only got here last night but he wants to meet Sean as soon as he can.

When I walk into Sean's room he's already awake and sitting up in his bed.

"Good morning baby!" I smile sitting in front of him on his bed, "are you hungry?" I ask him and he nods while rubbing his eyes, "we're having our breakfast with someone very special" I trail off.

"Santa?" he asks excitedly.

"No" I laugh, "how would you feel about having breakfast with your dad?"

Sean has always been curious about his father, but I don't know how he would react meeting Grayson. I feel guilty surprising him with such big news, and I'm starting to realise I should have never kept them a secret from each other.

"Yes please!" his face lights up and he can't stop smiling.

"Ok then, let's go meet your dad" I say before taking a deep breath.

I know Grayson is going to be an amazing dad, but everything is still going to change.

I open the living room door and Grayson is pacing up and down nervously. Sean suddenly turns shy when he sees him and starts hiding behind my legs, so I lift him up into my arms.

"Sean this is your dad" I introduce him as I walk towards Grayson with Sean in my arms.

"Hello" Grayson smiles and panics, causing him to stick his hand out for Sean to shake.

"Hi" Sean smiles back reaching both his hands out to Grayson, meaning he wants Grayson to hold him.

Grayson looks at me nervously as he takes our son into his arms.

"Relax" I whisper noticing how tense he is holding Sean.

"You're my dad?" Sean asks him while playing with Grayson's earring.

"Y-yeah" Grayson nods, "I'm your dad" he sighs with relief as he loosens up.

"Mommy said we're having breakfast" Sean blurts, "I'm hungry" he states, making Grayson laugh.

"Your mom told me you love blueberry pancakes" he smirks confidently.

"I do" he nods excitedly.

"Good, because I made a lot of them" Grayson says putting Sean back on his feet.

"Do they taste like mommy's?" he asks before taking Grayson's hand and leading him towards the kitchen.

"Even better" he tells Sean before looking over his shoulder to wink at me as I follow them.

Sean has always been an outgoing kid, especially since he start talking. I'm so relieved he's finding it so easy to get along with Grayson.

"Do you live here now?" Sean asks Grayson while Grayson helps him up on to a stool at the breakfast bar.

"I uh-" Grayson looks at me for help since we haven't discussed any of this.

"Your dad is staying with us for a few days" I tell Sean hoping that is in fact Grayson's plan.

"Then where are you going?" he looks at Grayson confused.

"I'll still be in New York" Grayson assures him.

"But why will you not stay here?" Sean is getting frustrated having only a little amount of information, he's a very intelligent child.

"It's complicated" Grayson sighs.

"But you're my dad" Sean reminds him.

"Sean I promise you, I'm not going anywhere" Grayson assures him.

"Why are you here now?" Sean asks curiously.

He's not angry at Grayson for not being here, because he's so young and doesn't understand, he just wants to know where his dad has been.

"I was in California with my brother" Grayson admits.

"I want a brother" Sean says with a mouthful of pancakes, "mommy says I might have one some day" he adds.

Grayson smirks at me while I glare at him, shaking my head.

"My brother's name is Ethan and he's your uncle" Grayson tells him.

"Is he married to my auntie Madison?" Sean asks and Grayson's head snaps up to look at me.

"Madison knew?" he scoffs while looking at me, luckily Sean isn't paying any attention or asking questions.

"She's my best friend" I mumble.

"She's mine too, how could you ask her to keep something like this from me?" he raises his voice and Sean looks up at him.

"Watch your tone" I warn, "you've barely spoken to Madison in the last four years, it wasn't that hard for her to keep a secret from you" I remind him harshly.

"Mommy can I have more juice?" Sean asks and I nod getting up from the table.

"Who else knows about Sean?" Grayson whispers following me over to the fridge.

"My dad's, Rachel, Mrs. Smith, Madison and her fiancée Jayden" I tell him honestly.

I even left modelling when I found out I was pregnant so that I could keep Sean a secret.

"Has he met Mrs. Smith?" Grayson asks and I nod, "so he's been to LA?"

"We visit a few times a year to see Madison and Mrs. Smith" I admit.

"And even then when you were in LA, probably staying less than an hour away from me, you didn't consider telling me I have a son?" he snaps.

"Keep your voice down" I sigh, "I've already explained why I kept Sean a secret and I'm not explaining myself again. I'm sorry Grayson, I get that your mad and I know I fucked up, but there's nothing I can do to change it now. You need to move past it and focus on building a relationship with your son"

"You're right, I'm sor-"

"Daddy!" Sean interrupts us, calling Grayson back over to the table, "look what I drew!"

"He just called me dad!" Grayson whispers so that he doesn't hear him, "did you hear that?!" he smiles before pulling me into a hug excitedly.

I laugh while watching Grayson practically skip back to the table before joining them again.

Sean drew a picture of him and Grayson. Honestly it's just a few scribbles, since he's only three, but Grayson can't stop staring at it with a huge smile on his face.

Seeing the two of them together is breaking my heart, they adore one another. I have a feeling this is going to work, they're going to have a beautiful bond and I'm excited to watch it happen. Whether I like it or not, Grayson is now a huge part of my life, again.

note; sorry for the slow update, i'm still deciding on how I want to end this story, i honestly have no idea how this story is going to end.

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