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"Do you have any pyjamas I can sleep in?" I ask Grayson once we're in his room getting ready to go to bed.

"Oh yeah sorry I forgot" he says as he throws me a clean t-shirt and pair of boxers out of his drawers, "are they okay?" he asks and I nod, "you can get changed in the bathroom, there's a spare toothbrush in there too" he tells me pointing towards the bathroom door in his room.

I go into the bathroom, get changed, brush my teeth and tie my hair up. His t-shirt is a lot bigger on me than I expected and it smells just like him too. When I come back into his bedroom he's already turned the light off and I have trouble finding the bed in the dark.

"Need some help?" he laughs sitting up to switch the lamp on, once the light is on I see that he's shirtless.

"Thanks" I smirk getting into bed beside him.

"I hope you don't mind me snoring, sleepwalking and talking in my sleep" he says before switching the lamp off again.

"Wait seriously?" I ask trying to lean over him to switch the lamp back on but it's further than I thought and I fall on top of his bare chest.

For a minute I don't want to move, he's warm and comfortable, this is where I want to sleep. Then I remember this isn't real and pull away from him quickly.

"I can still see you blushing, even in the dark" he chuckles.

"Shut up I'm not blushing" my voice is muffled into my hands as I hide my face.

"Did anyone ever tell you how bad you are at lying?" he asks rolling over on his side to face me, "I mean I can't see you but you're voice just does this little high pitch thing and I know for a fact, you're lying" he states.

I'm surprised he's noticed that so fast, not many people do. The only people who have ever really noticed this about me are my dad's. I know it's a stupid thing to notice but because he did I feel like he pays more attention to me than I thought.

"That is so not true" I deny rolling over on my side to face him.

"There it is again" he smiles and even in the dark his teeth still shine.

I try to capture the image of him, lying here smiling at me, in my mind. I'm starting to sound like a crazy stalker but 11 months from now memories are all I'll have from moments like this.

I wonder how many moments I'll have like this before the 28th of January when the contract ends. Time is passing by so quickly when I'm with him. I could spend the day with him, so many hours by his side, but once it's time to leave it feels like I've been with him for 20 minutes.

I can't deny that I have a small crush on him and that's why I'm dreading the end of this contract, because once it ends so do we. I'm just another girl to him, I'm nobody special.

Maybe I'll feel different a year from now, but right now I don't want this to end.

"What are you thinking about?" Grayson mumbles pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Just how different things will be once the contract ends" I confess what's on my mind.

"Are you that excited to get rid of me you're already thinking about life outside our contract?" he remarks sarcastically.

"I just find it weird that I'm so use to you being around, I'm literally with you all the time but once the contract ends I won't see you anymore and we'll be like strangers" I explain.

He's quiet for a minute before he reaches over to switch the lamp on again, "you don't want to know me when the contract ends?" he asks seriously, almost sounding offended.

"No of course not" I assure him, "I just assumed you wouldn't want me around when you didn't need me anymore" I mutter embarrassed.

"You really thought that?" he asks confused, "you're not getting rid of me anytime soon" he reassures me.

"I mean if you keep paying me once the contract ends, I might stick around" I tease him making him laugh.

"There's my Chloe back" he smirks.

My Chloe.

He doesn't seem bothered about what he said but the comment plays in my head repeatedly.

"Are you tired?" he asks.

"Not really" I shrug.

"Wanna watch a movie?" he suggests excitedly.

"Sure what movie?" I laugh.

"Fast and Furious, you can pick which one" he offers.

"I've never watched any of them, maybe the first one?" I look at him for approval and he nods getting out of bed, "where are you going?"

"To get snacks" he says as if he's stating the obvious, "can't watch a movie without snacks"

"Get me something nice" I smirk sitting up and making myself comfortable to watch his TV, which is hung on the wall facing his bed.

He goes out to the kitchen and comes back into his room with a large bowl filled with popcorn, m&ms, skittles and oreos.

"Is this enough?" he asks seriously getting back into bed beside me.

"This is more than enough" I laugh as he turns the movie on.

"I can't believe you've never watched any Fast and Furious movies" he says while turning the lamp off, "best movies ever made" he mutters under his breath easily making me smile.

- the next morning

The sun beaming through the window wakes me up. For a minute I forget where I am until I find Grayson asleep beside me, I sit up to get out of bed and that's when I notice his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Where are you going?" he mumbles with his eyes closed, still half asleep.

"Just to get a glass of water" I tell him getting out of the bed.

"Mmm hmm" he hums, "hurry up and come back" he yawns as I'm leaving his room.

I close his bedroom door behind me as quietly as possible then almost tiptoe to the kitchen where Madison is already awake and eating her breakfast.

"Morning" she smiles before noticing what I'm wearing, "are they Grayson's clothes?" she narrows her eyes at me.

"Yes but it's-"

"It's not what it looks like?" she cuts me off, "save it" she scoffs getting up to put her bowl in the sink.

"Madison it's not" I sigh, "finish your breakfast and let me explain"

"It's fine I lost my appetite anyways" she shrugs going to walk past me but I stop her.

"I only slept in his room, that's it" I tell her honestly, "he gave me clothes because I needed pyjamas, nothing happened I swear"

"Really?" she asks in a soft voice.

"Really" I assure her, "I wouldn't do that to you knowing how you feel"

"Why?" she asks surprised, "I've been such a bitch to you" she admits.

"Because I think, if we met under different circumstances, we would actually get along really well so I want to give you a chance" I explain.

"Well if you're willing to try then so am I" she smiles, "I'll stop being a complete bitch I'm sorry" she blushes embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it" I smile.

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