[thirty nine]

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"Get out of my way" I start to get impatient as Grayson stands in front of the elevator and refuses to let me leave the apartment.

"Hear me out first, please" he says frantically, "I can explain all of this, just don't leave me again"

"Explain what?" I scoff, "you fucked another girl in our bed Grayson!"

"You broke up with me!" he yells, "was I supposed to sit around and wait for you to make your mind up?"

"You fucking flew to New York and begged me for another chance!" I yell back, "how are you not understanding how fucked up this is?" I clench my fists as I try to hold back my tears.

"Because we're not together" he states bluntly, "you're acting like I cheated on you"

"You did cheat!" I snap, "then you flew across the country and convinced me that you had just made a mistake, I came home to give you a second chance and I'm greeted by your one night stand as soon as I get here!"

"I was out last night, I got drunk and-"

"You can't keep blaming everything on being drunk" I cut him off, "I don't care how drunk you were, you knew what you were doing"

"I didn't" he snaps, "we're broken up, I didn't think you'd care"

"That's bullshit" I roll my eyes at him, "you really thought I wouldn't have a problem with you hooking up with girls after begging me to work things out with you?"

"You weren't supposed to find out" he shrugs.

"You are unbelievable" I laugh with tears streaming down my face, I probably look like a crazy person, he is driving me insane.

"Chloe, I'm sorry I didn't know you were going to be this upset" he sighs.

"Can you at least act like you regret it?" I gulp with a lump in my throat.

"Obviously I regret it" he reaches for my hand but I push him away from me.

"No you don't" I shake my head, "you regret getting caught, that's all you've apologised for" I look at him disgusted.

He's reminding me of the Grayson I met 8 months ago.

"If I knew you'd be this upset about it, I never would have done it" he says calmly.

"Our relationship is falling apart and you don't even care!" I yell out of frustration.

"I don't care? Chloe you are the most important person in my life, nothing else matters if I don't have you" he states.

"Actions speak louder than words" I mutter loud enough for him to hear me.

"Give me one more chance" he begs, "I promise this will be the last one"

"That's what you said last time" I remind him.

"She meant nothing to me, this whole thing is just a mess-"

"I haven't even looked at another guy since we broke up" I interrupt him.

"I've never been in a real relationship before, I made a few mistakes but I promise it won't happen again" he's starting to panic.

"I get that you've never been in a long term relationship but I can't constantly be there to tell you how it works, what to do and what not to do" I tell him, "and look what seems to happen every time I'm not around" I mumble.

"This is the last stupid mistake, I promise" he says with tears in his eyes.

"It's hard to trust these promises when you're constantly breaking them" I add.

"I love you Chloe" his voice cracks.

"I know you do" I smile with tears in my eyes, "I love you so much, but this isn't working"

"If you just give me one more chance-"

"I can't trust you, if we don't have trust we don't have anything" I admit.

"I'll earn back your trust, we'll start fresh and I'll prove to you that this can work" he tries to change my mind.

"No Grayson, I'm sorry but it's over" I sigh.

"You shouldn't be sorry" he whispers brushing his hand against my cheek, "we had something really good and I ruined it, I'm so sorry"

"Will you promise me something?" I ask looking up at him.

"Anything" he says seriously.

"Just incase you were thinking about it, please don't pay Amanda the million dollars to end the contract" I smirk.

"Why not?" he asks confused.

"Because she was so sure we'd mess this contract up when we start dating" I remind him, "I want to prove her wrong"

"I won't pay it, I promise" he laughs.

"Good" I smile, "anyways, I should probably go"

"I bought you this apartment remember? I should go" he offers.

"I don't want to stay here without you" I admit, "you should keep the apartment, and the gold fish since I forget to feed him all the time" I try to hide my smile.

"Sounds fair" he smirks, "but this place wouldn't be the same without you, I think I'll sell it" he shrugs, I love that it's not awkward between us.

"I'm still here for you, if you ever need me" I assure him. I'm so afraid he's slipping back to his old ways and I don't want that for him.

I'm furious at him for ruining our relationship, I wish I could hate him but I can't. I love him and that's why I hope he comes to me if he ever needs help.

"I know" he nods, "and you know you always have me" he smiles.

I press the elevator button before pulling him into a hug, "take care of yourself, please" I mutter.

"I'll see you soon C" he kisses my forehead before the elevator doors open and he lets me go.

Once I'm in the elevator and the doors close, I burst into tears again. I can't believe this is it, it's really over.

i'm on the last few chapters, there's about 5 or 6 left. thanks for reading!

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