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- later that night

My meeting with Amanda went amazing, the Marc Jacobs fashion show is in 3 weeks and during that time I have a few photoshoots coming up.

"Are you comfortable?" Grayson mumbles adjusting himself underneath me and I nod cuddling into him. We're sat around his fire pit in his back yard with Ethan and Madison, having beers and pizza.

Ethan and Madison don't know about the contract so we still need to act like a real couple when we're around them, not that I'm complaining.

"I'm not lying!" Ethan laughs as he continues to tell his story I stopped listening to a few minutes ago, "Grayson tell them! Tell them about the day you nailed your hand to the tree!" Ethan is now crying with laughter.

"Shut up E, we were 9" Grayson huffs like a child throwing a tantrum and I look up at him to notice he's blushing.

"Do you have any siblings?" Ethan asks me.

"No, I wish" I sigh.

"Me too" Madison agrees, "I think I had the most boring childhood ever" she states, we've been getting along really well tonight. I think we could actually be friends.

"No way" I shake my head, "I definitely had the most boring childhood, I was homeschooled until I started high school I literally had no friends and spent nearly everyday in the library"

"I was homeschooled too!" she laughs, "except I didn't go to high school and these 2 idiots were like my first friends" she rolls her eyes jokingly.

"Do you remember how we met?" Grayson smirks.

"Please, don't bring it up" she mutters hiding her head in her hands.

"Little Mads here was drunk, lost and wouldn't leave me and Grayson alone" Ethan tries to hold back a laugh as he begins telling the story, "KFC was closed and only the drive thru was open, she tried to walk through it but they almost called the cops so she begged me and Grayson to take her through in the car" he explains wrapping an arm around Madison while she gets embarrassed.

"Once we ordered her food she told us she had no money, we had to pay and after she got her food she refused to get out of the car because it was too cold and she lost all her friends. She eventually blacked out in the back of the car because she was so drunk, me and Ethan drove home and left her sleeping in the car and had to drive her home the next day because she was lost and still drunk" Grayson finishes the story.

"I refuse to get that drunk ever again" she groans, "I literally could have been kidnapped, definitely not on the list for best nights out"

"But that's such a good story to have behind your friendship" I add, "I'd be proud of it" I laugh.

"You know what? I think you're right" she laughs while agreeing with me, "I came home with absolutely no dignity but 2 best friends, I think that's an accomplishment" she smirks.

"She's officially gone soft!" Ethan teases her pulling her into a headlock somehow gently.

"Get off me!" she laughs.

I'm so jealous of Madison right now. It's only starting to dawn on me how lucky she actually is. Ethan and Grayson are amazing people, the type of people everyone wants in their life. We're only a month into this contract but I already know I'm going to miss them as soon as it ends.

What Madison has with the twins is real, she's their best friend and probably always will be. I'm jealous that I'll never have the type of bond she has with Ethan and Grayson. I'm jealous that she'll be in their lives for a very long time while I'm only getting a taste of it. 11 months from now this will all be over, I won't be apart of their lives anymore and a few years from now they'll probably forget about me.

"Hey" Grayson nudges me lightly, "are you alright?" he whispers so that only I can hear him.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I smile.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks and tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear as I look up at him.

"The next few months from now" I shrug, "so much is going to change"

"For the better" he assures me, "want another drink?" he asks and I nod, "Ethan truth or dare?" he smirks at his brother.

"Dare" Ethan replies without thinking.

"I dare you to go into the kitchen and get us more drinks" he says trying to hide his smile.

"I should've known" Ethan rolls his eyes as he gets up from the couch, "I'll be back in a minute" he mumbles before going into the house.

He comes back out a few moments later with no drinks but I notice my phone in his hand.

"Was my phone ringing?" I ask confused as to why he has it, or maybe he just got it confused since we have the same cases on our phone.

"If I didn't know you's were being paid I'd think it was real, the fans love it, your money for this month should be in your bank account for Friday with extras for the dates" Ethan reads a message from my phone before looking at me with disgust, "are you fucking kidding me?" he scoffs, "Gray do you know about this?"

"Of course I know" Grayson sighs.

"It's not-" I try to explain.

"You're using Grayson for his money?" Madison cuts me off as she cops on to what Ethan is talking about, "that's so fucking pathetic how do you even have the nerve to-"

"She's not using me for anything" Grayson stops her, "it's a mutual agreement, we both signed the contract" he corrects her.

"She's getting paid Grayson you're getting nothing, she's using you for your money" Madison narrows her eyes at me, literally looking like she's ready to kill me.

"So what are you?" Ethan asks me, "a prostitute? Escort? All the same right?" he remarks but I don't reply, I'm too busy trying to hide the fact that I'm about to burst into tears.

"Ethan enough" Grayson warns, "Amanda said I needed to agree to this or she'd drop the both of us, I ruined our image and I'm trying to fix it this is nothing to do with Chloe"

"Fuck our image and Amanda because this isn't you Grayson, you're not fake, so why would you want to keep our deal with Amanda if she's going to compromise who you are and make you agree to shit like this?!" Ethan snaps before storming back into the house.

"Go after him" I tell Grayson as he looks at me unsure of what to do, he nods before running inside, leaving me alone with a very angry Madison.

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