Night # 79 Evil Paintings

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This next chilling tale is about a young painter named Raphael who discovers something wrong with his paintings.

One evening Raphael was painting. He was getting sleepy so he decided to finish it up first thing in the morning. When he woke up in the morning he made himself a cup of coffee and walked into his art studio to finish his painting. He got a big surprise when he looked at the painting. Something was completely different about it. Instead of a painting of a young man in a field with his horse, it was depicting a man being burned inside a house. This terrified Raphael as he began to wonder who had gotten into his art studio and how.

He threw the painting away. He could not stand to look at it. He started over and this time he made sure before he went to bed to finish the painting he had been working on the night before. When he got ready for bed he made sure everything was shut and locked for the night. That night as he drifted off to sleep he seen the young man from the painting. He tried to save him from the burning house in the dream but he could not. The next morning after sleepy poorly he woke up to a painting right in front of his bed. He started to call the police until he thought of how crazy the story would sound to them. He knew they would not believe him so he bought a security camera to capture what was going on inside his house instead.

That night he did not work on any more paintings. He lay in his bed thinking about the painting that had been left in front of his bed. It depicted a married couple broken down on the side of the road with a killer walking up to their car. He could not fathom what was going on but hopefully the surveillance tonight would give him some answers. He tried to sleep very lightly so he could possibly hear someone if they came into the house but after the troubled sleep the night before he could not help but fall into a deep sleep. The next morning he woke up to a painting sitting on top of the shelf next to his bed. His heart almost stopped as he saw the image it depicted. A young man that looked very much like him was lying in a bed covered in blood.

He raced to check the surveillance from the camera. It was the scariest thing. Someone under a white sheet put the painting up on the shelf, but what happened after that Raphael could not understand. Whoever was up under the white sheet stabbed him multiple times and he stopped breathing. That night he watched the news and he suddenly developed cold chills. There was a story about a man who was in his house when it caught fire as well as a story about a young couple who had been killed after their car broke down. 

Raphael could not fall asleep that night. He was too scared of what might happen. He laid there awake as he heard footsteps approaching. His bedroom door opened and there was the figure under the white sheet. He tried to sit up and get out of bed but it was as if fate had already been decided because he could not move at all as the figure slowly approached him with a knife.

The next day when Raphael's mom went to his house to see how he was doing she came into his room. Raphael's body was laying on the bed in a pool of blood, but most disturbing were the three paintings left in front of his bed depicting all three tragedies. 

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