Night # 169 Etchings

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This next chilling tale is about one disturbing discovery.

I was cleaning my son's room one day and putting away his toys when something caught my eye. I was putting away a particular toy when I noticed what was drawn on it. There was a woman standing by a window with a man behind her. I was troubled by this knowing my son would never do this. The question came to my mind. Who has been in my house?

The room began to get very cold and my hands began shaking. I shuttered to turn around for fear of what I would see. I jumped as my neighbor's dog began barking at my window. There was no dog in the drawing so this threw me off. I heard the floor behind me creak and began to feel a warm breath upon my neck and knew someone was there. I turned quickly to try and defend myself but I couldn't when I saw who was standing behind me. It was my husband holding a knife.

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