Night #100 A Creepy Place

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This next chilling tale is about a brother and sister who decide to explore one creepy place and learn there are just some places you should not go.

Evan and his sister Michelle decided one day while their parents were at work to go exploring. Their dad had told them a story about a place in the woods where there were strange markers as if it had been a graveyard at one time. They did not know if the story was true or if their dad was just telling them the story to scare them. Once and for all they wanted to know if it were true.

They took off on foot with plenty of daylight left but knew they had to be back before 6:00 because that is when their parents would be home from work. They knew from their dad's story that the graveyard was supposed to be about a fifteen-minute walk. After they walked for what seemed like a long time the sun started to go behind the clouds building in the sky and it grew just a little dark especially with all the woods surrounding them.

Part of them wanted to turn back as the sky began to darken just a little but they could not pass up the chance to see the unusual site. They kept walking and noticed they could see what looked like wooden gravemarkers up ahead. They soon came upon the markers knowing now that the story their dad told them was true. They began to look at each of the markers and noticed something spooky about them. Each one of them had the same last name on it. As the name registered to them they took off running as fast as they could. Not only was the last name their family name but there were also the right amount of markers for their family size. 

It began to thunder in the distance as they took off running. Both of their hearts were racing as they were desperately trying to make it back to their house. The sky began to darken even more as they continued running and complete fear took over them. They could not explain it but while they were running they both could feel some sort of presence behind them. They felt as if it would reach out and grab them at any second. When they finally made it back to the house they ran inside and locked the doors. Something was after them they were sure of it.

As they both looked at the clock they discovered it would be another two hours before their parents got home from work. They tried to stay calm as they waited for their parents. Even with all the doors locked they were deeply afraid. Not only was it starting to storm outside but they felt like even in the house that something was watching them. Finally, their parents got home and they felt a little better. They still could not shake the feeling of whatever presence they had encountered at the graveyard. They tried to hide what had occurred from their parents but their dad knew exactly what they had done.

The two of them could not figure out why but their dad had a very grim expression on his face. Their father paused for a few seconds and then he began to tell them something that made their blood run cold. I read about that cemetery in a book I found in this very house. It showed where it was on a map and told a story about how four campers went into those woods to contact the other side. No one has seen them since. The only thing they found when they went searching for them was the graveyard consisting of four gravemarkers with their names on them. Supposedly since then, the site has been cursed with something, not of this world. Until today I thought it was just a story but I felt the presence in the house first thing.

As their dad finished the sentence the power went out and the two of them screamed. The four of them huddled in the dark as they could feel eyes watching them in the dark. Within a few seconds the eyes were closing in on them and they began to feel the coldness surrounding them then a sudden burning sensation was coursing through their bodies and they could hear whispers in their ears. Their bodies began to move through the darkness as they were being drug out of the house and into the woods at top speed. Soon their bodies stopped abruptly right in front of the grave markers. The dirt began to come up out of the ground and they were powerless to move. Soon there were holes just big enough for each of them. 

Michelle out of nowhere began to pray. It was the only thing she could think to do. They were all able to move again and ran as fast as they could back to the house. They could feel the presence behind them the whole way. Once back at the house they jumped into the car and sped off. To this day the family will not set foot back on the property. 

Whatever you do, if you come upon what looks like a graveyard with wooden gravemarkers in the middle of the woods run for your life and leave the area. There are things in creepy places that you just don't want to mess with.

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