Night # 83 Inside The Terror

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This next chilling tale is about a young man who finds himself trapped inside the terror.

George was off for the weekend so he decided to rent some scary movies and stay up late. He fixed himself some popcorn and sat down to watch the movies. He started to doze off so he went to bed intending to finish watching the movies later. As he went to lay down he noticed a bumping noise coming from underneath the house. He stood very still as he tried to figure out where exactly the noise was coming from when his phone went off. He checked to see who was texting him and the text stated," Do you hear that?" George found it strange as the noise seemed to vanish that very moment. He ignored the text and climbed into bed.

He just barely closed his eyes when he heard his front door swing open. George was not the type to get scared easily, but this night was beginning to test that. He hesitated to get up and shut the door, but he knew he did not want to leave it open. "Maybe the wind blew it open", he thought. He got out of bed, but before he reached the door his phone went off again. "Are you going to shut the door or not?" George's heart was racing. He decided to run for the door quickly and shut it. He managed to shut the door and his heart slowed down a little as he locked it. His phone went off again. "You think that locking the door is really going to save you." 

George thought about turning his phone off but he did not want to possibly miss a clue to who was doing this to him. He could not think of sleeping anymore. He was wide awake from being inside the terror created by this anonymous person. He sat down on his living room couch just praying to get through the night. As he sat there trying to stay calm he heard something on his roof. He turned to his phone. Something told him it was about to go off once again. Sure enough, he was right. "I am up above. I am down below. I am everywhere. I was watching you and noticed that you wanted to be scared. I have come to be of service to you. One big difference between myself and a movie is, I do not end when you choose." 

George, for the first time in his life, was scared beyond anything he had ever experienced. He knew that he was now inside the terror and he could not escape. Just as he set the phone down he heard the window behind his head open and he could feel something touch the back of his neck.

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