Night # 189 High Dive

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This next chilling tale is about facing the fear of diving from a high diving board.

I had dove off of many low diving boards but I wanted to conquer my fear of diving on the high board. I was up at the top staring down at the water taking a deep breath when I felt eyes from below. People were watching me in anticipation. I gathered my composure and went for it. I was scared on the way down but landed just right. I was just about to come up in the water when something dreadful happened.

I felt something wrap around my ankle. I looked down through my goggles to see what it was and got the scare of my life. What looked like a corpse was holding onto my ankle. I blacked out. When I awoke I was in a hospital bed with doctors and nurses in the room with me. They asked me what had happened and I told them what I remembered. The lifeguard who jumped in to save me came into the room with my permission and spoke to me.

I asked him if he had seen anyone in the pool when he had taken me out but he said that there was no one in the pool but me. I looked down at my ankle to see a huge red ring around my ankle. He noticed it as well and we were both unable to explain it. The following week I was over at my friend's house when I saw a story on the internet about a young girl who had the same experience and I know what awaits her. I have been seeing that body from the water in my nightmares and even when I am awake I feel a presence with me. 

I feel the presence becoming stronger and I am beginning to feel the fingers of that corpse grabbing me once again. I feel death taking me now as I try to fight the corpse off in my own bed. I know that I will die soon and the young girl will be next.

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