Night # 56 House Arrest

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This next chilling tale is a young criminal named Daniel who learns a lesson after being put under house arrest.

Daniel sat in his house as it began to storm. One thing people did not know about him is he was afraid of the dark. It would have been hard for someone to know considering his greed outweighed his fear of the dark. He had robbed a convenience store once again and this was the only option besides jail time. He jumped as the power went out in the house. The worst part was he did not have any flashlights, candles, or lamps in the house. He huddled in the corner of the room trying to control his fear. He heard a limb drop onto the house and that scared him even more. While shivering he heard something. "It's coming for you, Daniel. It's coming."

He thought about running out of the house but he could not risk going to jail so he tried to think pleasant thoughts. Suddenly he thought about his cell phone having a light on it. He took his phone out and decided to listen to some music on it to ride the storm out. As he sang along the words changed, "It's coming for you, Daniel. It's coming."

Daniel watched as the front door began to slowly open up to the wind howling outside. He panicked and without thinking felt his way to the door and ran out into the night. He ran down the street a few blocks then noticed a police siren going off. When the police officer stepped out Daniel quickly spoke. "It's coming for me. It's coming. The officer asked him what was coming for him and he had no answer. The officer felt that instead of taking him to jail maybe he needed to be checked out at a hospital. For some strange reason, the officer believed that he was genuinely afraid of something.

A nurse took him to a room getting him settled in for the night where in the morning a doctor would be checking him out. Unfortunately, the nurse's shift ended and the nurse that came on duty was really mean. Daniel begged her to leave a light on but she insisted that they all be turned off. Once the nurse closed the door Daniel was in the complete dark. While he laid there helpless he felt the arms of darkness wrap around him and the words fill his ears. "It's here for you, Daniel. It's here for you."

When the nurse came in to check on him an hour later she noticed that he was rolled onto his side. She went to turn the light on but it would not come on. Standing there she heard the words, "It's coming for you, Diane. It's coming for you." She did not understand the words but as she stood there the arms of darkness wrapped around her as the words filled her ears. "It's here for you, Diane. It's here for you."

The next morning when the doctor came into the room he was shocked. There on the bed and in the chair next to it were the nurse and the patient. Their eyes were completely black and the bodies were completely devoid of any color. Be careful it might just be coming for you.

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