Night # 157 Counting To Ten

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This next chilling tale is about a hypnotherapist that has a rather unusual dilemma.

Jason was seeing one of his patients who was having trouble remembering. He sat in the chair next to the patient telling him that he would count to ten with his eyes closed. He assured his patient that he had a high success rate in helping people remember key events. When he got to ten something very unusual happened to him.

His eyes closed shut and he could see things so clearly. He was watching television in his office when a horrific news update cut into the programming. It was about a hypnotherapist who had been stabbed by his patient while performing hypnosis on him. He heard them say that the hypnotherapist's name was Jason. 

He could hear someone say the number ten and his eyes snapped open in horror. He was breathing heavily as things came back into focus. He noticed something strange as he slowed his breathing down. He was now laying on the couch and his patient was in the chair. "Did you enjoy remembering the past? It was so much fun going back to that day one year ago." Jason was confused. 

Jason tried to leave the room but the patient stood in front of the door. "This is what happens when you try to make someone remember something they are not meant to." He laughed as he took out a knife and stabbed Jason once again. Before Jason woke up in his office chair the last words he heard were, "See you next year, Jason." That was one thing that had baffled him in the last year he had never left this office.

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