Night # 131 Yellow Means Caution

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 This next chilling tale is about a young man who does not proceed with caution.

Eric was out having a drink with his girlfriend one night. He asked her if she was ready to leave after an hour of talking over drinks. Eric drove out onto the highway to take his girlfriend home. He came up to one of the traffic lights and it turned yellow. He sped through the intersection trying to make it before it turned red.

Eric's girlfriend screamed as she made eye contact with a man entering the road but Eric did not seem to notice in time. He slammed on his brakes but it was too late. The man was hit head-on and thrown into the grass beside the highway. 

Eric and his girlfriend agreed to leave the young man there for someone else to find. Days went by and Eric waited for someone to mention finding the man on the side of the road but there was no talk of it. A week later Eric and his girlfriend were getting ready to go to sleep at his house when they noticed something eerie in Eric's bedroom. There was a message on the mirror by his bed. "I am not dead. If you do not believe me open your closet door if you dare."

Eric and his girlfriend awaited what they knew would come sooner or later. There was one thing they both agreed on though they would not open the door for him.

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