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Once upon a time in the kingdom of Kalos ruled by King Red da Ketchum VI and Queen Delia, a young girl named Serena Hope Judith de Yvonne lived in a beautiful estate with her father, Michael Rupert Brenton da Yvonne. Serena was beloved by everyone in her father’s estate, including Michael’s most trusted servant, Entalmorfious Captoan, his wife, Helga Captoan, Helga’s sister, Kim Katriama, and of course her father himself. Everyone in her home loved the caring, smart and innocent child and she filled their hearts with joy and happiness.

 Despite how happy Serena was, however, Michael grew worried about how the child was growing up without her mother, Grace, who sadly passed away shortly after giving birth to her. Helga and Kim were long in years and had children of their own that have since settled down in their home country of Varpathion, and so tried to be like mothers to Michael’s daughter in their own way since she was born. The kind and humble man appreciated their efforts through the first eight years of Serena’s life more than he could put into words, but still, he felt she needed a real mother to raise her. He began to seek help from Entalmorfious to secretly find a suitable wife who could raise his precious daughter together with him.

Michael searched throughout the land of Kalos and even beyond through his business travels in the neighboring kingdoms of Kanto, Hoenn, Johto, Sinnoh, Unova, the Aloha Islands and Varpathion, but there seemed to be no woman that appeared willing for such a marriage. The loving father began to lose hope until he met a beautiful Varpathian baroness named Hania de Adag. She was a lady of the court who was losing wealth due to the untimely death of her husband. What interested Michael was not only her beauty but her apparent caring for her two young daughters named Miette and Dawn. Michael thought that if he found love with this woman, he would not only find a mother for Serena but even two sisters that she could play and grow up together with.

For the next few months, Michael began to court Hania during his frequent travels to Varpathion. Though reluctant at first, Hania grew intrigued by the kind man’s persistence and sought a chance to gain financial power for herself and her two daughters by marrying him, for in her heart there was greed and pride and a desire for power by whatever means. Hania kept her intentions well from Michael, however, pretending to fall in love with the man whenever he visited her country, giving him the illusion that she was everything he ever wanted for himself and his daughter.

Finally, Michael proposed to Hania and they were married in Varpathion. When word was sent to the Yvonne estate, Serena was surprised yet thrilled that her father found love again and was excited to meet her new stepmother and stepsisters. Entalmorfious was also supportive of his master's marriage, but Helga and Kim were skeptical about the decision. Regardless, the day came where Michael returned home with his new bride and stepchildren and Serena and the servants were waiting for them at the house entrance.

When Michael exited the coach, he immediately embraced his daughter and gave a friendly hello to Entalmorfious, Helga, and Kim and his other servants. Then with an excited grin, he introduced his household to Hania, Miette and Dawn. When Hania exited the coach, Serena was quick to approach her new stepmother with a greeting and a compliment to her radiant beauty. Hania politely thanked the child before looking at the estate with a look of disappointment unbeknownst to the Yvonnes. Next came Miette who looked at Serena with a look of disgust and finally came Dawn who gave her new stepsister an amiable look. Serena greeted both of them with a kind manner all the same but was surprised to find that while Hania was a tan-skinned woman with long brown hair, both of her daughters had lighter skin and blue hair which Michael noticed and explained that her new stepsisters inherited this from their late father.

For the next couple of months, the Yvonne household began to adapt to the presence of their new members. Michael and Serena treated Hania, Miette and Dawn like family, which Miette and Hania only pretended to appreciate while Dawn was thankful for their kindness but began to hide it out of fear of her mother and sister. Helga and Kim, however, saw through their master’s new wife and stepdaughter and even Entalmorfious became concerned about their true motives, but they all held their tongue out of respect for their master.

Eventually, however, a war began to break out. A barbaric and warmongering people called the Demoth sailed to the continent from their homeland and started to invade the eight kingdoms under the command of their cruel, bloodthirsty ruler, Lord Powuru. A great war began between Kalos and the neighboring kingdoms of Hoenn, Unova, Johto, Sinnoh, the Alola Islands, Varpathion and Kanto against the Demoth and as such, Michael was called to join the battle, much to the dismay of his entire household.

Before he left, however, Michael gave Serena one last gift; a rare copy of a book called Utopia. He promised her that he would read it to her once he returned from the fighting. On the day his departure, Michael promised his new wife and Serena that he wouldn't be gone long. However, as he was riding his horse to report to the king, Michael suffered a heart attack and fell off his horse before he exited the estate grounds. Horrified, Serena was quick to rush to her father's side followed by Hania, but when they turned him over, he only had enough strength to tell his daughter how much he loved her before he breathed his last. Serena cried on her father's chest, while Hania sat there, grieved that her second chance in gaining status was being taken away from her, but also jealous that her husband chose his daughter over her.

Thus after Michael was buried, Hania relieved many of the servants until only Entalmorfious, Helga and Kim remained. She also forced Serena to become a servant of her own house as the estate fell into decline. As the years passed, Serena did her best to keep her cherry attitude in attempt to protect her father's house and the remaining servants in some small way. She read Utopia every night and began to memorize it by heart, in memory of Michael.

Despite her efforts, however, it would be thirteen years before another man came to her life and made her truly happy again.

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