Chapter 4

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Helga hangs up the laundry glumly while her sister Kim works in the estate garden. Kim occasionally glances at her elder sister, perturbed with what is obviously on her mind. It has been a couple of hours since Serena went to Lumiose City with Clemont and Bonnie and there's no way for the elder woman to know whether or not Serena succeeded in her mission yet. Kim wishes she could come over to be by Helga's side, but she doesn't want Hania catching her not doing her chores.

           As she reluctantly picks out the weeds, however, Kim starts to hear footsteps from a distance. She looks up and sees Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie entering the estate grounds with an old man that she thought she’d never see again. Kim’s eyes widen and she gasps loudly before she turns to her sister and screams, “Helga!”

          Helga stops hanging up the laundry and turns to Kim curiously. Her younger sister points to the estate gate and she turns around to meet the eyes of her husband at a distance. Her heart leaps and she stares in shock for a moment before she starts running as fast as her old legs can carry her. Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie back away from Entalmorfious as he embraces his wife tightly. Helga weeps on her husband’s chest while Entalmorfious tries to calm her down with words of comfort. Kim, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie begin to shed their own tears of joy at the sight of this reunion.

         “I was afraid I lost you forever,” Helga sobs.

         “It’s all right, my love, it's all right,” Entalmorfious says soothingly. “I'm right here. I'm home.”

         Helga lifts her head up and musters the best angry face she can through the tears.

         “You better make sure it stays that way,” she growls. “Because if that woman tries anything like that to us again, I can't help what I will do. No one is ever to separate us but The Lord and The Lord alone when it is our time to die. Understood?”

         “As you wish,” Entalmorfious says calmly, clearly used to his wife saying such things in a brutish tone.

         Helga keeps her angry face for a couple seconds before she breaks down and starts crying on her husband's chest again. Serena puts her hand on her heart as she smiles brightly at this touching reunion. She wipes the tears from her eyes as Kim joins in the hug. Helga turns her head to Serena and reaches out her hand, inviting her to join in the hug. Serena is taken aback at this before she smiles again and joins in the group hug.

            “Lord bless you, child,” Helga whispers to Serena as the four servants hug each other tightly.

             “Aaaaawwwww,” Bonnie coos. “This is so touching.”

             “Bonnie, not so loud,” Clemont rebukes.

             “Oh lighten up, big brother,” Bonnie rebukes back. “This is a happy moment.”

             Entalmorfious, Helga, Kim, and Serena break their hug and turn to Clemont and Bonnie.

            “Your sister is right, Clemont, this is a joyous moment indeed,” Helga says appreciatively. “I can never repay any of you for your help in bringing my husband back to me.”

            “Ah, don't worry about it. It’s our pleasure,” Bonnie says with a cheerful grin.

            Serena smiles before she turns to Kim.

            “Have my stepmother and stepsisters returned?” she asks.

            Kim looks at the young honey-blonde woman nervously.

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