Chapter 9

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Serena quietly sneaks into her bedroom, tired after the long day with Ash. She takes out the blue ribbon that he gave to her and kisses it lightly before she hides it under the bed for safe keeping. She changes from the garments the Demoth gave her and into her nightgown when Helga enters her room.

“For heaven’s sake, child, where in the world have you been?!” she hisses.

“Out having the most wonderful adventure with the man of my dreams,” Serena answers blissfully.

“Well, I really hope it was worth it because the Baroness is quite cross with you,” Helga says worryingly. “She ordered us to inform her the moment you came back.”

Serena’s face drops, suddenly realizing that she forgot all about her stepmother and how much trouble she would be in for staying out this long. She turns to Helga whose worried face grows as she hesitates to speak again.

“Serena,” she begins. “There’s something else you should know.”


Serena quickly changes into her servant dress and follows Helga to her stepmother’s bedroom. She opens the door and looks in horror as she finds Hania holding out her mother’s dress in front of Miette while Dawn is holding her mother’s shoes.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Ah, you decided to grace us with your presence,” Hania says not looking at Serena. “Do you honestly think that after you disappeared without a word I’d let you go anywhere near the ball much less wear this dress?”

“I got lost,” Serena lies.

“I don’t believe you,” Hania says harshly as she turns to Serena.

“Neither do I,” Miette says as she hugs the dress with a conceited smile. “Besides, why should you be the one who gets to wear a beautiful dress like this when I need it to woo my Ashton?”

Serena stares at Miette disgusted.

“Do you honestly think these games, these...these intrigues, are going to win you a crown?” she asks. “The very idea that you’re hunting the prince like it’s some sport is disgusting.”

“You’re just jealous,” Miette says with a scoff.

Serena looks at her stepsister in disbelief before she takes her mother’s shoes from Dawn’s hands and says, “These are my mother’s.”

“And she’s dead,” Miette says mockingly.

Dawn looks at her sister in shock, while Hania merely smirks at Miette’s response. Serena’s eyes widen before anger suddenly fills her entire body. Dawn notices her stepsister’s reaction and looks at her worryingly.

“Serena,” she says cautiously. “Please don’t d -”

Before Dawn can finish her sentence, Serena walks over to Miette and punches her so hard in the face that Miette rolls over Hania’s bed with her feet flying above her head.

“I’m going to rip your hair out!” Serena screams as she chases a terrified Miette out of the bedroom. Dawn gasps in horror as she and Hania follow behind. Miette screams in fear as Serena angrily chases after her down the stairs, through the dining room.

Suddenly, Serena’s anger vanishes when she makes it to the fireplace to find Miette taking her Utopia book out its hiding spot and holding it close to the fire.

“Put it down!” she orders Miette as Hani and Dawn catch up while Entalmorfious, Helga, and Kim come in, trying to find out what’s going on.

“First, give me those shoes!” Miette barks.

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