Chapter 5

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Hania’s eyes snap open at the sound of the manor bell ringing. She groans in annoyance hoping the servants will answer it right away and she can return to her sleep until she hears a knock on her door. She groans again and sits up on her bed and calls out, “Yes?” as calmly as possible.

“It’s Sir Evitimus, my lady,” Kim calls out from the other side of Hania’s bedroom door.

Hania frowns at the mention of that name. She mentally hopes that the royal guard has something of value to his visit apart from trying to woo her with his man-childish ways as she reluctantly changes out of her nightgown to one of her dresses She opens the door and follows Kim to the front door where she can see a man standing in front of it from the crack of the door.

“No one is to come near this door while I converse with the man,” she orders.

“Yes, my lady,” Kim answers with a bow before she leaves.

Hania takes a deep breath before she musters a fake pleased face and opens the door to reveal a scrawny short guard giving her a flirtatious look while holding out an envelope.

“Lady de Adag,” he says giving her an over-the-top bow. “Your beauty still knows no bounds.”

“Oh Evitimus, what a flatter you are,” Hania replies with a fake smile. “To what do I owe the pleasure, my sweet?”

“I come with an invitation from the king himself and with valuable news concerning the prince’s engagement,” Evitimus answers with an eager chuckle as he gives Hania the envelope. She opens it up and takes out a folded piece of paper that reads;

          To the Baroness de Adag

& all the ladies of the house.

Their Majesties Lord Jeriack, Queen Delia

And Prince Ashton de Ketchum cordially

invite you to a masque

in honor of

General Timothy Durbin

On the eve of the feast of

St. Florinda

Hania raises her eyebrow, intrigued. A personal invitation for the king means more chances for Miette to attempt to woo the prince in a way that he could be convinced to marry her instead of the Hoenn princess. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, when Evitimus clears his throat.   

“Ah yes,” Hania says collecting herself. “You said you have news about the engagement?”

Evitimus grins mischievously as he gestures Hania to come closer. She reluctantly obeys before the guard leans into her ear.

“At the moment, the engagement is canceled, my lady,” he whispers. “Rumor has it that the prince must find himself a bride before that very night. So your daughter has a chance to be that bride within less than a fortnight.”  

Hania eyes widen and a mischievous grin grows on her face.

“My, my, my,” she says. “That does not give us very much time, now does it?”

“With my lady’s cunning wit and her daughter’s stunning looks, you shall find a way,” Evitimus assures with his own grin. “And if it pleases you, I know just where you can begin to butter that boy up.”

Hania raises her eyebrow and says, “I’m all ears, my sweet.”

Evitimus grins bashfully before he clears his throat and says, “Prince Ashton is playing with the Marquis de Takeshi tomorrow at noon.”

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