Chapter 3

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Ash keeps an annoyed face as two Kalos guards escort him to his borrowed horse and back to the convoy where the general who threatened him to chase the Demoth robber is talking to his friend, Captain Kenny. The two men turn their heads to see Ash riding towards them with the general looking relieved and Kenny looking displeased.

“Ash, you promised,” Kenny rebukes.

“I lied,” Ash grumbles as he gets off his horse. “Contrary to what you may think, I would like to see the world before I give my life to God and country.”

“And yet it was the help of a general that stopped you?” A bald soldier asks as he walks next to the general and Kenny.

“I suppose I lack a little conviction,” Ash says as he hands the general his cylinder container. “You said it was a matter of life and death.”

“I never said it was a matter of life and death, young man,” The General says before he opens the container and sighs in relief. “Just that it contains my life’s work that I wished not stolen.”

The General takes out a large rolled up parchment and unrolls it to show a painting of a gray-skinned woman crying to the heavens as she plays a cello. Kenny looks at the painting in amazement while Ash frowns in disappointment.

“I gave up my chance to see the world for paintings?!” he screams. “Suddenly, I feel I can relate to that woman.”

“Perhaps,” The General says with a grin. “Who is to say? She had many secrets and she only showed me one of them through the power of music as I painted.”

Ash groans as Kenny places his hand on his friend’s shoulder.

“Come on, Ash, the king is waiting,” Kenny says sympathetically. “He will want to speak with you after we escort General Durbin and his men to Lumiose City.”

Ash’s eyes widen as he turns back to the general who is making sure the rest of his paintings are okay.

“General Durbin?” He asks surprised. “As in General Timothy da Durbin of Varpathion who helped lead the kingdoms to victory against the Demoth and is the advisor to King Markenal himself?”

“Just General Timothy Durbin, lad. We Varpathians don't use that “da” or “de” thing like you do in Kalos. And Timothy will be just fine, your highness,” Timothy answers with a smirk.

“You know who I am?” Ash asks.

“Captain Kenny informed us of who you are and what you were doing here,” Timothy answers before turning to the bald man standing next to him. “And this is my second-in-command, Captain Coovers Woodward.”

“Your Highness,” Coovers says with a playful bow.

Ash’s eyes widen at this news.

“Then you must be here to assist my stepfather in rebuilding our country,” he says.

“Indeed, we are,” Timothy answers.

“Then you've come in my hour of need,” Ash says as he walks over to Timothy and places his hands on Timothy’s shoulders. “You can help the king snap out of his old-fashioned ways and get me out of this stupid marriage agreement.”

Timothy and Coovers stare at the prince for a moment before they look at each other. Kenny facepalms as he pushes Ash away from Timothy.

“My apologies, sir,” He says with a forced grin. “His Highness just has a bad case of cold feet.”

Ash glares at Kenny as the captain forces him back on his horse. Timothy and Coovers, however, look at each other unconvinced.

“I see,” Timothy says before they get back into their carriage.

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