Chapter 14

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It has been a week since Ash and Serena had their wonderful, secret wedding. Dawn informed Jeriack and Delia how she tricked her mother and sister into thinking their son is distraught for not choosing Miette as his bride and decided to give him a few days to dwell on it before making their next move. As a result, the king and queen decided to wait a week before executing their plan against the Baroness and her oldest daughter, essentially giving the newlyweds a week-long honeymoon. Meanwhile, Timothy, Coovers, Jeriack, Damlier and his family have been discussing plans to for the Demoth to join the Varpathion officers and their men on their journey back to their country and begin peace talks with King Markenal in hopes of finding other Demoth hiding across the eight kingdoms across the continent. Jeriack also imprisoned Evitimus for stealing from Delia and his other dealings with Hania.

Serena moans softly as she slowly opens her eyes to see bed drapes instead of the small window in her attic bedroom. She stares in confusion before she realizes that she's in her new home and in her new bedroom. She also soon realizes that there's something heavy lying on top of her and she turns her head and smiles to see Ash lightly snoring as he sleeps on top of her. Serena begins to remember that the two of them fell asleep cuddling in their nightgowns last night after reading a chapter of her new copy of Utopia. Her smile grows as she wraps her arms around her husband's head and hugs it affectionately while stroking his hair gently. She stares at Ash's sleeping face with her eyes full of love as she feels happier by the day to be married to her sweet prince.

The moment suddenly ends when sunlight begins to dimly shine through the curtains revealing that it's morning. Serena sighs as she accepts that she has to wake up the love of her life so that they can start the day. After stroking Ash's hair affectionately one last time, Serena kisses Ash's forehead, knowing after being married only a week that it will wake him up. Ash groans and moans before his eyes slowly open to meet Serena's and he smiles warmly.

"Good morning, my love," he says.

"Good morning, my darling," Serena replies sweetly. "Sleep well?"

"With you? Better than I have my whole life," Ash replies as he scoots closer to Serena's face to give her a kiss.

"Yes, you've been saying that all week," Serena says.

"And it's always true," Ash says sincerely. "It's just amazing how much joy I feel day by day with us finally together."

Serena's smile grows as she says, "I know what you mean. Unfortunately, we need to get up. Today's the day."

Ash frowns and looks at his wife with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Are you ready for this?" He asks. "I mean are you looking forward to seeing them shocked and humiliated once they learn that we're married and everything else we have planned for them?"

Serena frowns and looks away from Ash for a moment before she says, "Honestly, I could care less how Miette and my stepmother will react. All I want is to get this over with so that I can move on completely with our new life ahead."

Ash nods in understanding and kisses his wife again before he says, "Well, for the record, I will enjoy this even if you won't. And I have a good feeling mother will too."

Serena smiles at the mention of Delia. In her heart, she feels touched knowing that this woman who has declared herself her mother is soon to drive her enemies away like a real mother protecting her child. Her smiles grows as she drifts into thinking of the time she will spend with Delia after today as she teaches the new princess the ways of royalty and ruling a kingdom (as well as how to handle a husband when he's being childishly stubborn.) Ash clears his throat to snap Serena out of her thoughts, making her blush lightly in embarrassment.

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