Chapter 6

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It’s early in the morning and Ash is making his way to the royal tennis courts. Already, he sees several courtiers entering the building, but deep in his mind, his thoughts are only on one in particular.

          “Hey, Ash!”

          Ash turns around to see a tall man with black hair and brown skin walking behind him with a cheerful smile. This is none other than the Marquis da Takeshi, but Ash prefers to call him by his first name.

          “Hey, Brock, how’s it going?” He greets as he gives Brock a firm handshake. “You ready for our match?”

          “You bet. I'm always up for a good game with you,” Brock answers before looking past Ash with a gaga look. “Especially in front of so many beautiful women!”

          Ash chuckles and says, “You know they probably are all there just to try to win my affections and become my chosen bride, right?”

          Brock frowns and cries, “Did you have to break my dreams like that, Ash?”

          “Sorry, Brock,” Ash says sincerely as he gives his friend a sympathetic pat on the back. “Maybe there will be someone there that might be more attracted to you than me.”

          “I doubt it,” Brock whines. “If you beat me, I'll look inferior to you in front of these girls, but if I win, they'll hate me because I defeated their prince.”

          Ash chuckles nervously and says, “Don't let those thoughts get to you, buddy. Just give it your best and I'm sure you'll catch some girl’s eye. Besides, I already have a potential candidate for my future wife.”

          Brock looks at Ash surprised.

          “Already?!” He shouts. “Who?”

          “It’s a secret,” Ash says. “Though I hope I get to see her during the match.”

          “You hope?” Brock asks.

          “Let’s just say her feelings for me are a little...up in the air,” Ash says scratching the back of his head.

          “Ah, I see how it is,” Brock says with a smirk. “I've been there before, buddy. Don't worry, I'm sure she will open up.”

          “Thanks, Brock,” Ash says as they come inside. “Now let's play some tennis.”

          Brock nods in agreement as they enter the tennis court and take out their equipment. Dozens among dozens of noblewoman cheer in excitement as Ash and Brock prepare for the match. Brock briefly loses his cool and blushes furiously at the sight of all the women before Ash snaps him out of it just in time for them to shake hands and begin the game. The courtroom quiets down as Ash and Brock hit the ball back and forth towards each other. The courtiers stare intently with anticipation, hoping Ash will win.

            The game continues for an hour or so with Ash and Brock showing to be evenly matched. Both of them have won a couple of games, but neither is willing to budge and let the other ultimately win the match. Suddenly, however, Brock hits the ball so hard that it’s sent way up in the air. Ash starts backing up, attempting to hit the ball as it comes down, but he doesn't watch where he’s going and backs up so much that he bumps into the railing and falls over to the stands. All the noblewomen surround him, asking if he's alright in a worried yet flirty manner. Ash quickly gets up and says he’s okay as he walks back to the tennis court. He makes a stance, preparing for Brock to serve when he notices that his friend is smirking.

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