Chapter 1

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“Jeriack, please be reasonable!”

It has been thirteen years since the Great Demoth War began and only three years since it ended upon the death of Lord Powuru. The few Demoth who survived the war fled and have become nothing more than criminals and scavengers that prey on the weak all over the continent. But despite the victory against Lord Powuru’s tyranny, many kingdoms including Kalos continue to struggle economically due to the damages and finances from the war. Only the kingdom of Varpathion managed to achieve any economic gain and suffered the least damages and so the neighboring kingdoms look to Varpathion for help to rebuild their kingdoms.

Unfortunately, four years before the war ended, King Red da Ketchum VI had died of an illness leaving the kingdom leaderless. Because the ruler of Varpathion, King Markenal values his alliance with Kalos greatly, he made a marriage agreement with the struggling kingdom and so his son, Jeriack married Queen Delia and became King of Kalos. King Jeriack has spent the last seven years doing what he feels is best to maintain the kingdom, but despite his efforts, he knew that Kalos is still declining even with the alliance between Kalos and Varpathion and the peace gained from Powuru’s death. Desperate to find a way to rebuild his new home to its former glory, Jeriack decided that an alliance with the kingdom of Hoenn was required through another marriage agreement between his stepson, Prince Ashton Satoshi Kazuhiko da Ketchum and the princess of Hoenn, Princess May.

However, Prince Ashton (or Ash as he prefers to be called) hates the idea of being forced to marry someone he does not know much less love. It is because of that, that on this night Jeriack is walking to his stepson’s room followed by Queen Delia and the Captain of the Guard, planning to force some sense into the young prince.

“Reasonable?” He rebukes. “That boy has the nerve to defy me over an important alliance and you expect me to be reasonable, Delia?”

“He just needs time,” Delia pleads

“He needs a good whipping,” Jeriack growls.

The Captain of the Guard, Kenny silently gulps at the king’s words as he is a loyal friend of Ash’s. While he sympathizes with his friend's desire to not be married by force, he is caught between being loyal to his friend and being loyal to the king.

“For heaven’s sake, Jeriack, can't this wait until morning?” Delia pleads.

“General Durbin is expected to be here tomorrow afternoon,” Jeriack snarls as Captain Kenny opens the door to Ash’s room. “He is my father’s most trusted friend and if I can't be sure he will arrive to find everything going according to plan, I will never get any sleep.”

“Uh... your highness?”

Jeriack glares at Kenny with his bright red eyes. Kenny stutters for a moment before he points to Ash’s room. Jeriack turns to find Ash’s room empty and his window open with a train of sheets tied together from the bedpost to the ground outside. Jeriack frowns and rolls his eyes as he realizes Ash has escaped.

“Oh, not again,” Delia groans as she facepalms.

Jeriack turns back to Kenny with another death glare.

“Round up the guard, Captain,” he says. “No one rests until you bring him back. Is that understood?”

Kenny silently gulps again before he clears his throat and calmly says, “Yes, your highness,” and leaves.


Serena whimpers at the sound of the rooster crowing. She slowly opens her bright blue eyes to realize she fell asleep while reading Utopia on the living room floor again. She sighs and a small smile escapes her face as she gets up and puts her book on the stand next to the fireplace. Then after a small stretch, she sighs and leaves to start her early chores.

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