Another story being published!

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Well after much work, I have started publishing chapters on my almost complete new Amourshipping and OC story, The Prince, The Princess and the Pauper. This is a very loose adaptation of the Disney's The Prince and the Pauper.

The basic plot is Prince Timothy (which would be me) and a pauper named Ash switch places after discovering how they look almost identical to each other and as a result, Prince Timothy discovers the hardships of the kingdom and Ash unintentionally falls in love with a Princess named Serena. Unknown to all of them, a great darkness is surrounding the kingdom of Kalos as the evil Captain Powuru and Sergeant Calem plan to overthrow the king and rule the land creating war and chaos.

Now unlike the last two Amourshipping stories, this will actually contain Pokemon. I'm going to try to pace myself when it comes to publishing chapters so that you don't get the entire story all at once partly because I want you guy to spend time wondering what's going to happen with each chapter, but also because I actually haven't finished the last chapter. Regardless, I already have the prologue to the story up as we speak, so I hope you will all take a look at it and enjoy.

Until then, thank you as always for reading, may The Lord be with you and have a great day.

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