Chapter 7

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It is Sunday morning and Serena is sleeping comfortably in her bed. She lies down on her right side with her eyes closed and a small but sweet smile on her face as she dreams.

“Ash…” she whispers quietly in her sleep. “Ash, do you really….really...?”

“Sssseeeerrrreeeeennnnaaaaaa,” says a feminine voice in a singing tone.

Serena small smile turns sour as she moans half asleep.

“Sssseeeerrrreeeeennnnaaaaaa,” the voice says again.

Serena lets out another grown as she turns to lie down on her stomach and cover her head with her pillow.

“Tsk, tsk, what to do now?” The voice says tauntingly. “Oh wait, I know.”

Without another word, two hands start tickling Serena's sides. Her eyes snap open and she starts screaming in laughter. She struggles to protect her sides as she turns to see Bonnie tickling her with a gleeful yet mischievous grin.

“B-b-bonnie, c-c-c-cut it out!” Serena pleads as she takes her pillow and starts hitting Bonnie on the head with it, praying that it will make her stop.

But Bonnie just giggles happily as she continues to tickle her friend until she gets tired and lets go of Serena's sides. Serena pants heavily in relief before she turns to the light blonde haired girl.

“What are you doing here?” She asks. “And what time is it?”

“I came to see if you want to play, of course,” Bonnie says excitedly. “And it’s past 11 o’clock.”

Serena’s eyes widen as she turns to her window and sees that the sun is out confirming that it is almost noon.

“Oh my gosh, I should have served stepmother, Miette, and Dawn their breakfast two hours ago!” she shouts in panic.

“Relax, Serena, they left early to eat out before going to church,” Bonnie says.

Serena turns to her younger friend in surprise.

“They did?” She asks.

“That’s what Helga told me,” Bonnie answers. “The Baroness just told her and Kim not to worry about serving breakfast and that she and her daughters will be gone all day before she woke up Miette and Dawn to get ready. Helga decided to let you sleep in.”

Serena sighs in relief before giving Bonnie a happy smile.

“Well, since they'll be gone all day, what do you want to do?” she asks.

“Well first, Helga wants you to come down for breakfast,” Bonnie says. “She says she saved it for when for you wake up.”

Serena nods in acknowledgment before she gets out of her bed and walks over to her room divider to change out of her nightgown and into her regular clothes. Once she is dressed, she and Bonnie walk downstairs to the kitchen where Helga is waiting for her with a plate of bread and some scrambled eggs.

“She tickled you awake, eh?” Helga asks with a smirk.

“You heard us from down here?” Serena asks as she takes a bite of her eggs.

“Loud and clear,” Helga says as she leaves to wash dishes. “Honestly, Serena, sometimes I wonder what might have been if your mother had lived long enough to give you siblings to grow up with every time I see or hear you two play as if you are sisters.”

Serena smiles warmly at Helga’s before she returns to her meal. She starts talking to Bonnie while she eats and Helga washes the dishes for a few minutes until Serena finishes her breakfast just in time to see Entalmorfious walk in with a perplexed look.

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