Chapter 13

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It has been several hours since Ash had abruptly ended his wedding with Princess May. While he was gone, Jeriack, Delia, Timothy, and Coovers stayed to sort things out with King Norman and Queen Caroline concerning their daughter.

It turns out that the green-haired man named Drew is a performer for the Hoenn royal court who had gained favor with King Norman and began to perform for him and the royal family regularly over the last four years. During the last three of those four years, he and Princess May secretly grew fond of one another and formed a friendship that turned into passionate love. May didn’t appear disturbed about her engagement to Ash when Timothy and Coovers where visiting Hoenn because she was secretly trying to figure out a way out of it herself to be with Drew, but they failed to find a way before her family took her to Kalos to marry Ash. King Norman was infuriated that his royal performer and his daughter were keeping this secret from him for so long, which frighted Princess May so much that she hugged Drew with all her might, afraid that her father was going to order his men to drag her away from her beloved. Thankfully, Jeriack stepped in and calmly helped his ally see reason leading for Norman to soften his heart and accept the love that Drew and May have for each other as well as give them permission to marry when they return to Hoenn. The couple was so ecstatic that they began to kiss and hug each other more excitedly then they did at the wedding. Jeriack, Delia, Timothy, and Coovers smiled warmly at the moment before the Hoenn royal family and Drew said their farewells and began the journey back to their homeland.

After a quiet dinner with the Kalos king and queen, Timothy went back to his guest quarters and began to work on his painting again. His mind is full of satisfaction at the sight of Norman allowing Drew and May to marry. But as he paints, his thoughts begin to drift back to Ash and Serena. No one has a single idea where Ash and Captain Kenny went after they left the church. In his mind, Timothy still hopes that the prince has finally accepted that he was wrong and went to fetch Serena, but he has started to grow less certain the longer it takes him to come back.

Finally, he hears a knock on his door and once again he rolls his eyes, annoyed that someone is interrupting his painting.

“Come,” he says plainly.

Coovers enters the room and approaches Timothy with a pleased smirk.

“I figured that this is why we haven’t seen you anywhere downstairs over the last couple of hours,” he says.

Timothy frowns and turns to Coovers in confusion.

“You say that like something big happened while I’ve been up here painting,” he states.

“Yeah, you might want to follow me to the throne room,” Coovers says. “Partly because Jeriack has requested your presence, but also because you’ll want to discover what has happened.”

Timothy stares at his long-time friend for a moment before he silently agrees and puts on his uniform. The two Varpathian officers make their way downstairs just in time to hear the sound of an angry, wailing man coming from the throne room. Timothy’s curiosity grows as he and Coovers enter the throne room to find Jeriack sitting on his throne while a pale man with long black hair and bandages around his right hand and on his left cheek is chained and on his knees before the king, surrounded by royal guards. Damlier, Marialier, Maulinlier, and Monica stand next to the man forced down by the guards, looking at him with pure disgust and anger.

“Ah, General Durbin, how good of you to come,” Jeriack says with a calm, professional look on his face. “Come bear witness to this, for we require your council here and I have something important to discuss with you afterward.”

“Very well,” Timothy says awkwardly as he and Coovers walk over to Jeriack’s side. “May I ask what is the meaning of this?”

“You may indeed whether the king allows it or not,” Damlier says venomously as he spits at the chained man who glares menacingly at the Demoth.

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