Chapter 2

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Deep in the woods, a convoy of carriages makes its way down the path to the Kalos capital of Lumiose City. Inside the leading carriage sits a man in his early thirties with blue eyes, short brown hair and a sad look on his face as he stares at the woods.

This is General Timothy Durbin from the kingdom of Varpathion, leader of the Varpathion army and most trusted advisor and loyal friend to King Markenal. Ever since the Great Demoth War ended partly thanks to his contribution, King Markenal has ordered Timothy to travel through the continent to assist Varpathion’s allies in rebuilding their kingdoms from the war. From Kanto to Johto to Sinnoh to the Alola Islands to Unova to Hoenn, Timothy has been representing for King Markenal to advise the kings of the respective kingdoms for a certain period of time before traveling to the next country for the past two out of the three years since the war ended.

And yet, despite how content Timothy has grown to be after doing all he can and seeing peace slowly settle in after so much chaos and bloodshed, he cannot help but feel down. In his heart, he grows eager to return to his homeland where he hopes to stay and perhaps find someone special to marry and settle down with. Many of his soldiers who survived the war have already returned to their homes and started to have children. He has even married some of them to their loved ones upon their requests. But deep down, all that enters in his mind when he’s not helping a struggling kingdom or passing time to either paint or create some of his own personal inventions, he thinks of what a joy it might be to find a lady of a kind heart and a follower of the Lord to spend his remaining years with and perhaps even start a family with her.

“Are we there yet?”

Timothy snaps out of his thoughts and turns to see a bald man also in this thirties resting under a blanket on the other side of the carriage. This is Captain Coovers Woodward, Timothy’s second-in-command and his best friend since they were eight. Coovers has stood by Timothy’s side faithfully throughout the entire war and didn’t hesitate to assist him during his travels to the neighboring countries. Coovers is more laid back than Timothy and prefers to flirt with almost every woman he meets rather than think about settling down.

“Not even close,” Timothy answers. “We’re likely to not reach Lumiose City until the afternoon.

Coovers groans childishly.

“Well, at least Kalos will be our last stop before we return to Varpathion,” he says. “But why has the king insisted that we stay here longer than the rest? We were just at Hoenn when we overheard about the marriage agreement between Princess May and this Ashton fellow. It seems like there’s not much to assist here when it sounds like they have everything figured out.”

 “That’s what you said about Unova and look how that turned out for us,” Timothy points out making Coovers roll his eyes. “Besides, Markenal wants us to be certain that Jeriack is managing his reign well. Neither of us has really seen him since he married Queen Delia much less his father and we need to assure Markenal that his son is ruling Kalos to the best of his ability.”

“Still, I imagine you'll have more opportunities to paint and work on our inventions than to help Jeriack rule a rebuilding kingdom,” Coovers says.

“And you will have more time to try and fail at courting every pretty face at the royal court,” Timothy says with a smirk. “If you're lucky, you will steal a great big kiss from one before she punches you so hard that your nose will swell up to be bigger than your hand.”

“Hey, that was one time!” Coovers complains. “And how was I supposed to know that she just happened to be Princess Misty of Kanto.”

“And after that, the princess of Sinnoh, and then the princess of Johto, and then Princesses Lillie, Mallow, Moon and Lana from each of the Aloha Islands, and Princess May of Hoenn, and a kiss and a punch and heaven knows how much bickering between you and Princess Iris of Unova,” Timothy lists with a skeptical smirk. “With your luck, you will somehow hit on a princess here even though Kalos doesn’t have a princess.”

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