Chapter two - I love your house

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{ Emma's POV }

I sat on my large bed holding my phone. My hair falling out of pony tail from the long day. I jumped into

the shower and washed my hair with my strawberry shampoo, and rinsed off my body.  Whilst I was in

shower I heard my phone ring. I jumped out of the shower and jumped across my bed to reach my

phone. My hair was dripping on my towel and making me cold.

I heard the familiar voice of Luke and smiled to my self.

L: Hi so I wondering if you want to over my place ? I'm not really good with restaurants.

E: Sure I'll bring some movies ?

L: Okay be at my house at 6

We talked a little more, before it came awkward. I then just put on a nice pair of jeans and a shirt. I'm not

really the type to wear dresses and skirts. I tried to keep it simple he said it wasn't a date just to get to

know each other really, I was fine with that. I got up the message on my phone where he text me his

address. I drove for about twenty minutes when I pulled up to a gorgeous house.

The house looked huge, a bit overwhelming. You don't really get houses that big in the small town of

Bells. Houses were normally three max four bedrooms and you were lucky to have houses two stories

high. It wasn't that we were poor or anything it was just the people who lived here dedicated their

money to live on the beach. Everybody who lived in Bells loved surfing and the sand so it was odd to

see someone her age not being able to surf that day. 

I knocked on the door and waited fixing my shirt and flatting down my pants.

" Hey Emma " Luke voice filled my ears and I quickly looked up.

" Hi " I felt my cheeks redden.

" Well come on " I stepped inside and it was beautiful. Although you could tell a boy lived here I

wondered if his other band members lived here too. As we walked through the main hallway, to your

left you could see a flight of stairs. Hanging over the railings were used towels and the occasional

coffee cup littered the floor. On the right, there was a living room with lounges so big they could fit at

least eight people. I looked down and laughed to myself. Controllers and T.V remotes were scattered


" So um I'll warn you, I live with three other boys. We can go outside or somewhere else  you don't have

to stay you know- "

" Stop worrying I would like to meet them" I smiled at his nervousness.

I walked around the corner to what must have been the kitchen. There sitting on stools were the rest of

the band. One taking selfies, another eating a gross salad, and the last boy had a controller in his hand. 

" Um guys this is Emma " Luke said.

" Hey " I said. I'm not normally shy, actually I've very confident but something about them made me


" Wow so this is Emma, how did Luke find such a hottie " Calum said.

I blushed and turned my head.

" Aww you made her blush " The boy Ashton said.

About an hour later we were all talking and it felt right. I walked over to the couch where Luke was

sitting and sat next to him. I looked up at him and he looked back and smiled. 

" So Emma tell us more about you. We really only have been talking about us and the band. " Ashton


" Well I'm seventeen I go to Bells High, I love surfing and it was pretty funny seeing Luke surf, um I live

on my own most of the time because my mum is a flight attended a and my dad passed away, " I felt

tears in my eyes but hell I didn't want to cry in front of them. 

" I'm really sorry to here about that " Luke put a hand on my arm. That's when I felt sparks. 

" Oh it's okay don't worry it was a while ago now, hey it this FIFA " I bent down and picked up the disc. 

" OMG no way your a keeper you love FIFA " the boy Michael said.

" Yes ! Let's play I bet I can smash all of you " I said laughing.

" Oh it's on " they all cheered.

And before we knew it was world war three in the living room.

{ Luke's POV }

I really liked this girl. She wasn't like other girls you meet. The ones that are all fake and only wanted to

date you because of the fame. She was easy going and was fun to be around it was like I had know her

a long time. 

" Pizzas ready" three teenage boys turned and ran whilst Emma just sat up and laughed.

We talked over dinner so more and it was really nice.

" Is that your fourth slice " Calum said.

"What never seen a girl eat before " Emma said and took and bite.

I laughed as she really wasn't like most girls but in a good way.  The night came to an end and I hugged

goodbye Emma. I think I want to take it slow, somehow by the look in her eyes I know she has been

hurt. Never really been loved by someone of course she has that friend Morgan who has been by her

side all her life. Although I want to show her what love really is .....

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